Behind Closed Doors

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The FIA had decided to end the race after the crash, causing Charles to finish P1, Carlos P2, and Pierre P3.

Lana, Tessa and I watched the podium celebration before making our way to the medical center. It took a bit of time before they let us back to see Lando and Max.

Max was still being evaluated by the doctors, so one of the nurses guided us to Lando's room to see him first.

Tessa entered the room first, with Lana, who had a death grip on my hand, and I right behind her.

Lando was sitting up in the bed, his tan skin on display from the waist up. His left arm was in a sling and his brown curly hair was disheveled.

I made note that he was alone, his girlfriend Braelyn nowhere to be found.

Lando's eyes immediately locked onto Tessa's. She had yet to say anything since we entered the room. To avoid any more awkward silence, I spoke first.

"Someone wanted to see you," I motioned down to Lana. Lando finally broke eye contact with Tessa as his gaze trailed to me and then down to Lana. A smile slowly made its appearance. I could tell he had gotten some strong pain meds just based off of how he looked laying there in the bed.

"Hey guys," Lando slowly said. "What are you doing here?"

Lana let go of my hand and made her way over to Lando's right side. She slowly climbed up in bed with him and sat beside him.

"Are you okay LanLan? We were scared." Lana said.

The corner of Lando's mouth tipped up.

"I'm alright," he spoke, "my clavicle is broken. So unfortunately, I'll be out for the rest of the season."

My heart sank. There were only 3 races left in the season, but I was still sad for him.

Lana reached her arms around his neck and gave him a big squeeze. With his right arm, he wrapped it around her and returned the hug.

Tessa had yet to say anything. She was still in the same spot inside the door since we had walked in. I was trying to think of a good excuse to give them some time alone together when I heard voices walk past us in the hallway.

I turned around just in time to see them rolling Max down the hallway in a wheelchair.

"Hey Lana, let's go check on Max."

I glanced over my shoulder at Tessa. She looked at me, nodding her head in thanks. She turned back to Lando, gave him another quick hug and leaned up and gave him a small kiss on the cheek.

Tess and I looked at each other and I gave her a small smile as Lana and I made our way into the hallway to follow Max and the nurse that was wheeling down the hallway in the wheelchair.

We followed them a couple doors down from Lando's room and turned into what would now be Max's room.

By the time we made it in the room, Max had just gotten settled into his bed.

He turned his head to look at us, his face immediately brightening.

"Hi," his voice was scratchy and barely audible.

Lana ran to him and jumped into his lap, hugging him.

"Lana be careful. Max is probably very sore," I warned.

Max snorted a laugh, wrapping Lana up in his arms and hugging her. "I'm fine. Really. Just a concussion."

"We were worried about you," Lana told him as she released him from the hug.

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