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"Oh my God! I can't believe you guys are here!" Tessa throws her arms around Charles and I as we walk in her apartment- the one that use to be mine.

I threw my arms around her as she latched onto me and let go of Charles.

"You knew we were coming here for the week before the Grand Prix in Austin," I laughed as she squeezed me tight.

She finally let go of me, taking a small step back so she could look at me. "I know that, but still. You haven't been back to the States in months."

She was right. I haven't been back to the the US since Tessa dropped me off at the airport. I missed her deeply, but I can honestly say that I really haven't missed Texas that much.

Charles rolled our suitcases into the living room as he followed Tess and I, who we haven't let go of each other since we walked in the door.

"I'll just... go put our suitcases in our room," C muttered as he walked off, heading towards the spare bedroom.

Tess glared at me. "Are you sure that you guys don't want to stay in the master bedroom? I don't mind, really."

"I am positive. I think it would just be awkward if we kicked you out of your room." I crossed my arms at her.

She crossed hers right back at me. "You mean your room."

I rolled may eyes at her. "Tess, this is your apartment now. We are the guests. It's totally fine, we don't care."

Tessa started darting her eyes around the room. "Okay... if you say so."

She walked over and sat down on the couch. I followed her and sat right beside her, linking my arm with hers. I knew the next four days that we had together would be precious, considering we now lived across the world from each other.

Charles walked out of the spare bedroom, his phone to his ear as he spoke to someone else in Italian. The only reason that I knew it was Italian is because of how often he speaks it when he talks to the Ferrari team and back at the Ferrari factory in Maranello. He walked out onto the balcony and started pacing back and forth.

Tessa's eyes followed him as he paced, "What's that all about?" She turned back to look at me.

I shrugged, "I have no idea. I guess we will find out when he comes back in here."

We started talking about how work was going for Tessa. She talked about the latest patients that she has been taking care of, as well as how precepting the new grads was going.

My eyes caught on C as I watched him hang up the phone through the glass of the balcony. He put his phone in his pocket and he stepped inside, sliding the glass door closed behind him.

He silently walked over to the couch, I moved over so he could sit on the other side of me, so I was now in the middle of Tess and C.

Tessa and I both looked at him curiously.

"What was that about?" I asked him slowly.

He slowly turned his head to me, a soft smile on his lips. "That was Monica. She was telling me that we got approved to bring a foster child with us to the Austin GP weekend."

"No way," I breathed, "really?"

"Really," C nodded his head.

I squealed, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulled him close to me so I could kiss his cheek.

"I really hate to interupt," Tessa said, "But, what are you talking about?"

Charles looked at me longingly before he spoke. "We are going to start bringing a foster kid with us to race weekends. That way they can get the full experience of Formula 1. This was all Blake's idea."

Tessa's gaze traveled from mine to C's.

"What do you think..?" I asked her.

She started smiling. "I think that's a great idea you guys. So, do you know who you are you bringing with you in Austin?"

I turned and tilted my head at Charles in question as well.

"Her name is Lana. I don't know much other than she is 5 years old. Her parents were both 15 when they had her and decided that they couldn't adequately care for her." Charles shrugged.

My heart started to ache for her. I knew we would never replace her parents, but if we could give her this experience, then it would be worth it.

I looked back at Tessa, who had tears swimming in her eyes.

"What?" I asked.

She shook her head slightly. "Nothing. I just know how much this means to you."

I wasn't going to lie. I was so excited. I could not wait to meet Lana.


It was the next day, and Tessa had stolen me from the apartment saying that we needed a girls day.

Lucky for Charles, we had left the PlayStation at the apartment when I had moved, so he should be able to keep himself entertained for the day. Him, Lando, George and Alex were all racing each other on the F1 game. And I had a feeling they would be there all day.

We started the day off by getting out nails done. I got my classic nude nails while Tessa got her usual plum color.

We were eating at our favorite Italian restaurant. We had both ordered pasta and were waiting on it to be brought out.

"Thank you for helping me keep my mouth shut the other night..." I said.

Tessa's eyebrows scrunched together. "What are you talking about?"

"After I told you about the box that I had found in C's dresser on the boat..." I glanced down to play with my my straw in my drink. "If you wouldn't have stopped me I would've blurted out everything I knew right there..."

"You're welcome," She said. "Have you talked to him about what you found or....?"

My eyes shot up to her.

"Absolutely not. I would never do that to him."

Tessa was quiet for a moment.

"Did you look at it...?" She was just as curious as I was.

I shook my head. "Nope. And I don't plan on it. Not until he's ready. Besides. Im not in any rush. We have the rest of our lives together regardless of if there's a ring on my finger or not."

She tilted her head from side to side, how she always did when she was thinking. I've seen that look too many times in ICU.

"I think that's a good decision," she muttered.

They brought us our food and we ate, then we ran to the mall and we got new outfits for the race next week in Austin.

"Onto Austin." I said as we walked through the door of the apartment.

"Onto Austin." Tessa repeated.

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