New Beginnings pt 2

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The day that I kicked my parents out and told Charles I was ready to move to Monaco, he was determined that we go out and celebrate. I decided not to post about it until after he flew back, just so no one could track him down.

blakeriv: summer break with mi amor <3 @charles_leclerc

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blakeriv: summer break with mi amor <3 @charles_leclerc

I clicked post. I had decided that I would try to start posting more. Not for the fans, but more for me to be able to document these life changing experiences.

I was sitting on my couch, waiting for Tessa to come over so I could tell her that I was moving. Since I had some time, I decided to go through some of my private messages. I had almost 90,000 followers now, which blew my mind considering I hardly posted anything in the past.

I was completely shocked at how many brands had reached out to me. All of them wanting me to try and review their products. Some brands were wanting to send me clothing, skincare, and jewelry.

As I kept scrolling, I even saw some people that hosted podcasts, asking me if I would be interested in joining them for an episode.

Oh, what the hell. Who knows, it could be fun?

I messaged this one podcast back. They were a nursing podcast and wanted to chat about how I felt about the paparazzi at my job and how I balanced my work and personal life.

I got off of Instagram and decided to get on tiktok. The first video I saw made my stomach flip.

It was me. And Charles. In the picture that I posted on the boat.

"Where did she even come from? I mean. She's not even from Monaco. She's American." The voiceover said. I noticed that there were a ton of comments. And like an idiot, I clicked on them.

"I read that she's just using him for money."

"Oh come on guys. Quit being so hateful! She's beautiful."

"Can he please get back with Alex? Miss them so much!"

There were mixed comments. Some talking shit about me. Some were defending me.

But all of them didn't even know me.

I quickly screen shot the comments and sent it to Max.

Me: how do you deal with this shit?

Max: I don't look at them :)

I sighed.

Easier said than done, Max. I thought to myself.

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