Signed, Sealed, Delivered

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"Are you sure you don't want me to go with you?" C asked as he watched me get dressed for work. Only I wasn't putting on scrubs, I was putting on a business outfit.

White trousers, a black blouse, and black heels were my weapons of choice today. I stared at myself in the mirror as I slipped into my heels.

"I have to do this by myself. Plus, if the cameras are there by chance waiting for me then it'll be best if I'm alone."

The American tabloids had a field day with pictures they got from me leaving work the other day. The titles ranged anywhere from "Blake Rivers Gets Job At Hospital To Make Ends Meet" to "American Nurse Dates Formula 1 Driver For Money".

It took me about a day to get over seeing myself all over the local media and news before I decided that I didn't really care what they thought.

"What if something happens while you're there?" He asked hesitantly.

Turning around to face him I replied. "Then I'll handle it. I got this."

That earned a grin from him. "I know you've got this. But still. The American media is much more ruthless than at home."


"I know." In Monaco it wasn't uncommon to see celebrities walking down the street, enjoying a regular day. Here, you are watched like a hawk from the moment you get on their radars.

He was silent for a moment. "Well what if I just drove you and picked you up when you were done?"

I shook my head at him. "I highly doubt it will take very long. Five, ten minutes max. I'll be back before you know it."

I walked around him and picked up my purse and papers. The weight of the words on the paper heavy in my hands.

"I'll be fine. Pinky promise." I gave him a quick kiss before heading out the door to my vehicle.

It took me about 20 minutes to get to work, which wasn't an uncommon commute for Houston.

Swiping my badge at the doors of the ICU, I quickly turned left. Down the hallway leading to Stefan's office.

You can do this. Stay strong. You already made up your mind.

I knocked on Stefan's door, which was normally open, but today it was closed.

"Come in." His voiced trailed towards me from behind the door.

I slowly opened the door and peaked my head in.

"Mind if I come in?"

He looked up from behind his computer at his desk. A smile forming on his lips.

"Of course not. Please come in, have a seat." He motioned to the seat that I had sat in only a short couple months ago.

I stepped inside and felt his gaze travel from my eyes all the way to my feet and back up to my eye.

"To what do I owe this pleasure?" He tilts his head to the side.

I smiled nervously at him. "I think we both know what this is about."

I walked over and placed my resignation papers on his desk in font of him. He froze in his place, staring at my signature at the very bottom of the paper.

His gaze slowly trailed from the paperwork to me.

"Blake." He sighed. "I wish this wouldn't have happened."

His focus dropped back down towards the paper as he quietly read it.

"We both knew this was going to happen eventually, Stefan." I sat down in the chair on my side of his desk.

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