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January 2024


I unlocked and opened the door to what would be my apartment for the next year.

For some reason, I really hadn't had any second guesses on packing up my life in Houston, Texas, taking a 1 year RN travel contract in the ICU at the local hospital and moving to Monaco.

Well. Not until just now as I made my way down the entry way with my two suitcases. The hallway opened up into the small living area that had a couch, a TV, and a recliner.

I made sure that the apartment that I got was fully furnished, being that I was moving across the world.

On the opposite side of the living area was the small kitchen and the bar, with 4 barstools neatly tucked underneath.

There was another small hallway past the living area that had a door for the bathroom and for my bedroom.

I rolled my suitcases into the bedroom. Noting the queen size bed that was on the right hand side of the room and the dresser that was on the left wall opposite of the bed. There was a door to the right that had the closet, which connected to the only bathroom in the apartment.

The wall across from the bedroom door was completely glass. I saw the handle for the sliding glass door leading out onto the small balcony and I stepped out onto it.

It was January, so it was a little chilly today. But the sunlight hitting my skin quickly warmed me up.

Looking to my right I saw the fire escape, which was good to know, considering I was on the 19th floor and there were only 20 floors total for this apartment complex.

To the left was the continuation of the balcony which had another sliding glass door that led back into the living area.

I made my way back into the living area and sat down on the grey sofa.

I had just closed my eyes and was beginning to dose off when I heard a knock at the door.

That could only be one person.

I walked to the door and swung it open. I was met with two huge grins.

"Oh my god!" Blake Rivers, my best friend-and the whole reason I moved to Monaco in the first place, squealed as she launched herself at me and wrapped me up in a big hug.

I laughed and gave her a big squeeze.

"I know right? I don't think it's set it yet that this is real," I said to her.

After what felt like forever, she finally let me go and looked into my eyes. Her grey blue eyes roamed over me, making sure that I was okay after all of the traveling.

"It's going to take me a while to get used to your hair being so short now," she stated.

I shrugged my shoulder.

"I just needed a change," I replied. My jet black hair that used to be waist length now fell right to my shoulders.

Blake smiled at me, "I love it."

Blake and I had gotten so caught up in the reunion that I had completely ignored Charles until just now.

"I'm so sorry Charles," I made my way to him and gave him a hug. Our height difference was quite comical since I was 5'2" and Charles was 5'11".

"Or should I say 4x Formula 1 World Champion Charles Leclerc?" I joked.

He released me from our hug as he started laughing.

"Oh please. Not you too," he side eyed Blake, "I already get enough of those jokes from Blake."

The three of us started laughing as we made our way into the living area. Charles made himself at home in the recliner as Blake and I went to the couch.

Blake had met Charles last year when she ditched me at work and went on vacation here in Monaco. Blake had no idea who he was when they first met. And I guess you can say the rest is history.

Speaking of...

"Oh my god I almost forgot!" I said excitedly. "Let me see that thing in person!"

Before Blake could respond I reached out and grabbed her left hand, pulling it towards me.

"Blake," I breathed, "How can you even lift your hand with this huge rock on your finger?"

She giggled. "Lots of practice, I guess?"

Charles had proposed to Blake last month. Only I was in the States still, so I haven't seen either one of them since the final Grand Prix that was in Las Vegas, where Charles won his Fourth World Championship.

I stared at her ring. It was so unique and so her. The deepest blue oval sapphire, which has to be at least 5 carats, surrounded by round diamonds to form a halo.

"It's absolutely beautiful," I murmured, "It's better than the pictures you showed me, Charles."

To make it even better, Charles designed the ring himself. With no help. I offered, but he refused. He said he wanted to do this on his own, and I admired him for that.

"Thanks Tess. Glad I know I earned your seal of approval," he winked at me, "And before you ask. We don't have a date set yet."

I rolled my eyes at him as I gave Blake her hand back. "Y'all are no fun."

"Okay okay. Enough about us," Blake stated, "When's your first day at the hospital? Do you have everything you need? When is orientation day for you? And how are you going to get there?"

Charles snorted his amusement.

At least one thing hasn't changed- and that's Blake mothering everyone. Which I couldn't complain because she was like a big sister to me.

Blake was my preceptor and teacher when I was a new grad and had just gotten a job in ICU as a Registered Nurse. Blake is, well I guess I should say "was" now, the best ICU nurse there is. She was our charge nurse, which is fitting since she was always the mother and took care of everyone. Everything that I know I owe it to Blake.

When she moved to Monaco to be with Charles, she left nursing. She felt too burnt out and didn't want to do it anymore.

"Okay Mom, my first orientation day is in 10 days. I made sure to give myself enough time to adjust to the time zone here and get everything settled before I go. The hospital is a 10 minute walk from here," I answered.

She nodded her head intently as she thought about what I just said. No doubt going through every scenario and seeing what could possibly go wrong so she could help prepare me.

"We both know I'll always look out for you," she stated.

I smiled at her. "I know."

Charles phone started ringing. He pulled it out of his pocket, looked at the screen, sighed, and answered. He started speaking in what I've learned to recognize is Italian. He must be talking about work.

Oh shit. I almost forgot.

"So um," I drew Blake's attention back to me, "I may or may not need help..."

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