Just Dance

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I had two days left of vacation. Where did the time go? I was not ready to go back home. At all.

Charles had spent the past couple of days with me. We did everything from sight seeing, going on runs, cooking, playing music, even to him teaching me some French.

We were in his living room watching tv when I got to thinking.

"So. I have a question." I stated.

"Okay. I may have an answer." He replied giving me a cheeky grin.

"You and the other drivers... do y'all ever do anything fun together? I mean. I know we had the dinner. Which was a blast, by the way. But do you guys ever get to just... hang out and have fun..?" I was genuinely curious. They stayed so busy once the season started, I wondered if they ever just got to hang out.

He tilted his head to the side, thinking. "Well. Not really. We normally only have enough time before the season starts for the one dinner... why?" He squinted his eyes at me curiously.

I grinned. "I have an idea."


I didn't have a lot of time to plan out the idea that I had. I wanted to do something fun for Charles and the other drivers on the grid.

In order to pull this off, I had called in a favor with Tatum. I needed her help getting everything together, as well as calling in a huge favor.

I refused to tell Charles what the surprise was, even though he's been begging me to tell him about it all day. But I want him to be surprised just as much as the other drivers.

I reached out to every driver, unsure of who would be able to come on such short notice. The only ones that I knew that were for sure coming was Charles, Carlos, Lando, Pierre, Daniel, Max, Yuki and George. I was extremely nervous, not being sure how this would all play out. Hopefully it went well and everyone could relax and have a good time.

Tatum and I had spent all day setting everything up in the private bar that we had rented for the night. It had a fully stocked bar, a seating area, dance floor, a huge flat screen TV. It had everything that we needed, including privacy.

Tatum and I had just finished setting everything up when she demanded that we take a picture together to post on her Instagram.

Tatum was wearing a black crop top with black wash jeans and some white high top converses. I went with some white wash jeans, a red strapless corset top with red Nikes.

We took our picture and she posted it with the caption "party night 2.0". As she was posting the picture, i couldn't help but ask.

"Sooooo.... How are things with you and Carlos? Are y'all still taking?"

For the first time in my entire life, I saw a blush creep across her face. Tatum De la Cruz, my stubborn, opinionated, and strong willed cousin.... Blushing. Over Carlos.

"It's uh.... It's going very well. I really like him a lot." She said slowly while a huge grin was plaster on her face.

I walked closer to her and wrapped her up in my arms, squeezing tight.

"Good. I'm happy that you're happy." I paused for a second before adding. "Also I told him that if he hurt you he would have to answer to me." I said really fast hoping she wouldn't catch what I said.

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