Spanish GP- Sunday

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I was in the Ferrari garage for today's race. I had offered to stay with Tatum at her house and watch Mari while Tatum slept or did whatever she needed to do. But she refused, saying that I needed to be there to support Charles and Carlos for both of them since she couldn't be there in person.

Really the only reason that I had agreed is because Leighton had texted me earlier this week saying that she was going to surprise Tatum so she could meet Mari. So I knew Leighton would be there to help Tatum with whatever she needed.

They were on lap 52. Carlos was P1, Lando P2, Charles P3, Max P4. I was happy for Carlos since it was his home race, but I knew that Charles would be disappointed with himself for being in P3. But there were still 14 laps to go, so anything could happen.

Charles was less than a second behind Lando, and I knew that he was putting pressure on him, trying to find the best spot to overtake him. But Lando was good. Every move Charles made, Lando reacted and defended.

With each turn, each lap, my mind kept wandering back to our conversation Thursday night.

"We didn't use a condom..." I breathed.

Nerves took root as the full weight of what just happened slammed into me.

Charles picked up his head and looked at me.

"And...?" He asked, unfazed by what I just said. "That was the first time we've never used anything."

I raised my eyebrows at him, silently asking him to elaborate. Why was I the only one freaking out about this?

He rolled off of me and onto his side, propping his head up with his hand.

"Okay.." he took in a deep breath. "I mean, you said you have less than a 20% chance of getting pregnant again. Right?"

I slowly nodded my head at him.

"I think it's okay that we didn't use a condom, as long as you think it is okay." He looked at me to gauge my reaction.

I was silent, staring at the his chest. He did have a point. I think we had just gotten used to using protection that we never took into consideration the chances of me actually getting pregnant were slim to none.

He silently reached over, grabbing my chin with his thumb and index finger, lifting my gaze to his. His thumb brushing against my bottom lip, the corners of his mouth turned up into a smile.

"Would it be the end of the world if you did happen to get pregnant...?"

Someone was talking in the garage, pulling me out of my thoughts. I forgot that they had given me a headset so I could listen in to Charles' radio.

I looked up at the screens, Lando and Charles were now neck and neck down one of the straights.

"How many more laps?" C asked on his radio.


I could hear the frustration in his voice, "Copy."

Lando had just broke away from C before a hairpin turn, causing C to back off so they could both have enough room to turn.

"Oh for fucks sake." Charles muttered.

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