Vegas GP Thursday

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The last race of the 2024 season is here. Charles is leading in the Driver's Championship, with Carlos behind him and Max in third. Charles is in the lead just enough to not have to worry about competing with Max for first. But Carlos on the other hand... they are 12 points apart. Meaning that if Carlos beats Charles in this race, he can win the Driver's Championship. 

The guys are all currently in the media pen wrapping up some of their last interviews for the year. I chose to hang out in Charles' room in the Ferrari motorhome while he finishes up.

I was kicked back on the massage table when my phone buzzed.

Lando: Are you free? I just... I need to talk to someone.

Worry settled in. Lando hardly ever freaks out, let alone needs someone-like me-to talk to.

Me: of course. Where are you?

I had only ever been in McLaren's motorhome one other time. So it took me a moment to find Lando's room. 

I took in a deep breath, preparing myself for whatever was about to happen.

I knocked on the door. Once. Twice. 

I heard his foot steps on the other side of the door before he quickly opened the door. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me into his room. I stumbled forward, barely catching myself so I didn't fall.

"What the fuck, Lan-" I turned around to fuss at him for almost making me fall, but I abruptly shut my mouth when I saw him. 

He was leaned back with his head resting against the door. His right hand splayed on top of his head, his left arm in its sling from where he broke his clavicle during the last race. Even though he wasn't racing this weekend, he still had to come to finish filming some footage for Drive To Survive and do some press.

His chest was rising and falling fairly quickly as he took in shallow breaths.

Shit. Is he... is he having a panic attack? 

"Lando... Are you okay?" I quietly asked. I sat my purse down on the couch. 

He didn't say anything but he slowly opened his eyes to meet mine. I saw the panic swimming behind his eyes. 

My shoulders dropped as I watched his face fall. He dropped his hand from his head before he bent over, now resting it on his thighs. He was trying to take deep breaths but I could tell it wasn't working.

I didn't say anything as I took a couple of steps towards him. Reaching out, I placed my hand on one of his shoulders. 

"What the fuck am I doing, Blake?" he choked out. 

I was silent. My eyebrows drew together, not sure what he was meaning. 

"Just take a big breath Lando. It's going to be okay."

His shoulders shook as he let out a single sob. I could tell he was trying to hold it back, but he was barely hanging on. 

I gently nudged his shoulder to get him to stand up straight so I could look at him. He was reluctant at first, but he slowly leaned up. I looked into his eyes for a couple of moments before I pulled him into a hug. 

His arm stayed at his sides for a long moment, his head resting on my shoulder. He let out a couple more sobs before wrapped his free arm around me.

I hugged him for a couple of moments before he finally spoke.

"I broke up with Braelyn."

I froze. Braelyn was a sweet girl, and I was sorry that things didn't work out. But at the same time, I knew he had feelings for Tessa. The more I thought about the situation, the more my head started to swim. 

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