GN!Reader ┆ ✦ Memorial for Miss Tingyun

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             '♡' __[ PLATONIC FLUFF ˚  ·

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Each star means something. The world spins, yet they remain. Stationary in the universe for millions of years until finally, they create a gorgeous supernova as their final cry while their light dies out. It only hurts for a moment before an ethereal array of colors and light shell-shocks you.

"Hey, Blade?"
"Do you think death is just as painless as falling asleep?"
"You'll figure it out yourself."

Your head turned to face the Stellaron Hunter beside yourself, a gentle smile on your lips. Maple trees with fiery, orange foliage danced and swayed overhead as you idly laid on the cement floor beside Blade. The Alchemy Commission had fallen silent in mourning that day. The day the beloved trader named Tingyun had met her cruel, twisted demise. Even you, a Stellaron Hunter, were saddened by the ordeal. In spite of your titles as fugitives, both you and Blade felt some form of sorrow towards Tingyun's fate. For Blade, you assumed it was envy. He probably spends hours daydreaming about how Tingyun's fate could have been his own.
A frown pursed your lips.


"Sorry," you shifted on the ground, now laying on your side to ignore the sea of stars overhead that danced amidst stray maple leaves. "Can we please put something here as a memorial for miss Tingyun?"
Blade's hues of fiery colorations shifted to stare deep into your soul. "Why would we do that?" He questioned, arms crossed as he sat idly beside you.
You placed your head upon his hip, arms wrapping around his torso. "I think she deserves it. Don't you?"
Blade remained silent apart from a single grunt. Shifting more, you hugged into his abdomen more. His body was cold to the touch, as though you were embracing naught but a corpse. However, to you, this corpse-like feeling is home.

Finally, you hoisted yourself to your feet. Blade's head lifted. You smiled down at him, offering him your hands to help him up. "C'mon, I'm going to get her memorial ready."
Blade's head cocked to the left, "She may not even be dead." He commented bluntly.
"True," you nodded as Blade's bandaged hands slid into yours. You hauled him up, afterwards eyeing the Cloud Knight camp. "Perfect. Let's set something up by the Dragon Tree."
Blade curled his appendages around your hand as he nodded a single time. "Hmph."

You then guided him towards the tree, embraced by moonbeams and shadows. The night remained still and silent with respect as both Blade and yourself scrambled to setup a makeshift memorial stone for Tingyun. It could be read as a stone of honor erected in her name, or it could be viewed as a mournful memorial.

Tingyun, a helping hand, a peace-keeper, and a friend.

"Short and sweet," you whispered as you began to force the stone slab into the dirt surrounding the tree. Once the uneven slab of engraved marble had been buried somewhat into the topsoil, you took a step back to admire Blade's handiwork. "You have such good handwriting. How'd you learn to write with a sword?"
Chuckling under his breath, Blade folded his arms over his chest. "Some years of getting to know the blade," he confessed in a mellow tone of voice. "..hmph."
You nodded eagerly in agreement, "I like it, too!" You then dug into your pocket, retrieving your phone. You snapped a quick picture of it. "Let's come back tomorrow to see if the knights tampered with it."
A twisted grin lifted the corners of Blade's lips, although you saw a heartwarming and tender smile.

"Let's." He echoed back to you.

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