GN!Reader ┆ ✦ Coconut Oil

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You happily crouched before Peppy, your digits buried within its soft, fluffy fur of snowy white

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You happily crouched before Peppy, your digits buried within its soft, fluffy fur of snowy white. The pup pawed at the air, tail beating against the floor of the Herta Space Station as it laid upon its side. Peppy's tongue lolled out of its maw, sloppily attempting to lick your wrist as you pet between its ears. You lowered your hand, laughing as the dog began lapping at your appendages with it's slimy tongue. "Oh, you're the cutest thing~," your high-pitched voice said to the dog. You pet the sides of its face, smushing its fluff. "Hehe, I love youuu."
The dog responded with a howl that mimicked your excited speech. With yet another "awoooo~", the pup sprung to its paws. It proceeded to twirl about in an energetic spin. Now silent, Peppy halted, seating itself upon the floor.
"Good boy~!" You happily resumed giving the dog affection, your cheeks red with overwhelming happiness.

With that, you concluded your play session with Peppy. Hoisting yourself to your feet, you waved goodbye to the puppy before spinning around on your heels. You ventured further into the main control zone, passing Asta a friendly smile on the way. The moment she smiled back, you felt a rush of heat run to your face. You've always admired her beauty. However, you were off to see another friend. A friend you admire far more than Asta.
A quiet, somewhat reserved, and kind security guard that keeps everything in the space station anchored down. He holds everything together— or at least, you think so. It was time for something you and he both love doing.

"Hey! Special delivery!" Your voice called out as you entered the supply zone, turning heads all around to face you.
One of the researchers laughed aloud, "Brother Arlan, your date is here to take you away!" Cooed they in a playful manner.
He was revealed in a cinematically beautiful way, with his gloved hand waving to one of the researchers he'd been speaking with, his ponytail bouncing as he made his way towards you. Unable to control himself, he began sheepishly grinning. Arlan has the softest, sweetest smile one could ever lay eyes upon. In fact, the first time you saw it, you nearly began crying at how beautiful the sight was. "That time already?" He questioned.
Your head nodded eagerly, "Everything is ready. All that's left is you~." You playfully cooed.
Arlan's eyebrow kinked as he observed you, sensing the cheekiness in your tone. He snickered a bit. "Alright. Uh, can you lead this time, please?"
"Oh, I won't need to lead you." Your expression contorted from tenderness to playfulness as you scooped Arlan into your arms bridal style, swiftly twirling about with him in your arms.

His laughter filled the room, creating smiles across everyone's faces in return. Even you couldn't help smiling at his gorgeous laugh. Once he'd settled enough, you beamed at him. "Ready?"
"Ready." He nodded his head.

   ❝ In A Private Room Within The Herta Space Station ❞

You lowered yourself to the ground, seating yourself upon a cushion of red. A container of coconut oil obediently sat in the palm of your hand as you crossed your legs to form a pretzel in your lap, patting it with one hand. Arlan knelt to the ground, afterwards shifting to lay on his back upon the floor, his head rested in your lap. He gazed up at you with eyes of neon-pink, his lips tugging into a gentle, sickeningly beautiful smile. He had begun smiling so hard that his eyelids were forced to squint, although his irises remained shimmering, reflecting thousands of stars that were simply not there. You unscrewed the cap of the coconut oil container, smearing a bit onto your fingertip. As your hand began to move Arlan's bang hair, he visibly tensed. You couldn't help laughing as his nose scrunched up. "Stop scrunching, you pain."
"Sorry," he laughed a bit. "You don't want to see what's under there." He warned you.
"Is it that you're uncomfortable with me seeing it?" You questioned in a gentle tone of voice as you began gingerly massaging the coconut oil and pulp into the scarring along the bridge of his nose.
Arlan's expression softened, "Of course not. I just don't want to scare you." He awkwardly chuckled.

Your fingertips resumed working into the X-shaped scar, a ginger smile on your features as you gazed down upon him. The room which you both had settled in was for various purposes, but mostly for hosting entertainment meetings. Entertainment, therapy, and so on. However, you use it a little differently. Typically, the room is opened up for free use at a certain time. Since there isn't much in that room, you typically pull out some cushions, some items that you purchased yourself, and then you invite Arlan to hangout with you.

This time, you wished to pamper him. He deserves it, truly. The boy shut his eyes as you resumed massaging the scarring along the bridge of his nose. You held one hand near his bang hair, holding it in place to shield the eye he wished to cover. His smile remained, even growing for a brief moment as he began to snicker. You chuckled a bit, beginning to draw shapes upon the scar. First, it was a heart—
"Did you just draw a heart?" Asked Arlan, his voice so incredibly soft; you barely heard it.
"Mm-hmm," you hummed, snickering under your breath as you drew a triangle. "Can you guess what that was?"
He laughed childishly. "A triangle?"
You laughed in response. "Good job!"

Arlan shifted, rolling onto his side. He yawned, allowing you to do as you wished. You used the wet rag beside yourself to clean your hand of oil, afterwards wiping it down on your shirt. You began to pet his head with that hand, your other hand using the leftover coconut oil and pulp to massage the scar upon his arm. You leaned down, placing a delicate kiss upon his cheek. "How was the station today?"
"Eh? Oh, I don't know." He giggled like a schoolgirl.
"You've been here all day, doofus," unable to handle his cuteness anymore, you gave his cheek a gentle pinch. "I love you."
"I— uh, I love you too." He bashfully replied, brushing his hair behind his ear. Little did he realize, he had just revealed his other eye to you.

How gorgeous it is. Although misty with scarring upon his eyelid, it is just as beautiful as his untouched eye. You laughed a bit, afterwards feeling heat flush to your face. "You're gorgeous."
Arlan froze, eyes shifting to gaze upon you. He grasped your wrist in his hand, moving your hand a bit. You wiped off your fingers, afterwards returning your hand to him. He placed his head into the palm of your hand, shutting his eyes with a the broadest smile you'd ever seen on his features. "I think you're definitely prettier."
"You~," you kissed his cheek once more. "You're not getting away with this." You began to repeatedly kiss his soft skin, your gaze quietly counting the subtle freckles upon his face.

Alas, he was already fast asleep.

You'd just have to wait until he wakes up(or until you have to fall asleep with him). Either way, you couldn't be happier about it. Anytime you get to spend in his presence is time that was worth spending.

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