GN!Reader ┆ ✦ Morning Meadow

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"Hey, dude! Sorry it took me awhile

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"Hey, dude! Sorry it took me awhile."

Emerald blades of grass swished and swayed in your wake as you greeted a certain someone. Walking on dewdrops, bathed in the cool hue of early morning light, you advanced further into the meadow. Each step you took was dampened by light rain. Gorgeous colors shimmered within the sky— a rainbow had formed within the sky. The pale sky was dotted with clouds, though not thick enough to deter the sun's beauty from beaming down in a wonderful smile. Birds flapped their feathery wings, brown and red hues of feather aloft in the chilled air. You hurried to stand beside your partner, Arlan. Being he's a security guard from Herta Space Station, it is rare to see him upon a new planet. This location was far too serene; you'd rather die than let him miss it.

As a current of wind shifted through your undone hair, you lifted your arms to accept the cold, rainy oxygen with open arms. Your lips lifted into a carefree smile. You glanced at Arlan, who was eyeing you as though you'd lost your sanity. Elbowing his side, you hurried to lift your arms up once more. "C'mon!" You playfully yelled over the wind.
Flowers danced, petals swiftly flowing in the wind as they released from the green stems that caged them prior, Arlan quickly pumped his fists into the air. With a thrilled, sunlit smile, he began hysterically laughing. Both joy, excitement, and freedom filled each laugh. You craned your head to observe him.
The wind had accepted the clothes he wore, slicking them neatly to his figure. The oversized, long-sleeved shirt of soft, washed-out blue clung to his neat curves as the wind forced it back. He also wore black shorts. Said shirt belonged to you. It had a specific texture that you adored— soft and light. The sleeves dangled off of Arlan's arms whenever he lowered his hands, as the style is supposed to do.

As sunshine poured onto his vibrant, pink hues, you could have sworn that you caught a slight tear escaping his eye. Even your eyes had begun to water. Not from the wind drying them, not from the rain droplets that hit your face in a gentle drizzle— but from the beauty of what was before you. The scene was alright compared to him. He was practically shimmering with beauty, the sun would only beam for him and that damn smile.
Your knees felt weak upon seeing him grin in such a way. He beamed brighter than any sun you'd ever see. His features radiated with perfection, each little detail shattering the scale of attractiveness. His unusually-colored eyes reflected both sun and rain, placing a miniature garden within his pupils.
Arlan looked as though he'd just witnessed everything his lite had lead up to. As he reluctantly shut his eyes, raindrops drizzled upon his face and hair. His hair, in an unruly ponytail, had collected beads of water within each strand. It was just as entrancing as a spider's web, leaving your heart pounding out in your throat.
The swish of Arlan's hair revealed his usually concealed eye, lifting his bangs in a cinematic gust of rainy wind. It was stunning. Both of his eyes locked onto the flowers that dotted the meadow, blades of grass attacking his shoes as he simply stood in place.

Negativity wormed its way out of your aura, leaving you sighing as you lowered your arms to your sides. You then turned your head to resume drawing in the sights. Much to your surprise, a hand grasped yours unexpectedly. Your head snapped to your left. There, with your hand gingerly cradled in his, stood Arlan. Though you had no mirror, you could feel how tender your smiling expression was. You'd never gazed at something with such loving before. Such an understanding expression could only be revealed to him.

When you look at him, you don't just see a security guard. You see your entire future. You see your reason to smile, laugh, and believe in love again. When you see his gorgeous face and hear his heartwarming laugh, you can't peel your gaze off of him. He owns your spotlight. It will only ever shine upon him. If anything were to happen, you'd move Heaven and Hell to keep him safe. Even if he needs to laugh or cry, you will be there. You're glued to him by your most vital organ— your heart. If he were to leave, it'd be torn out of your chest. Without a heart, the body will die.
Arlan is your heart.
He always has been, and always will be.

You took his slender, though severely callused hands in yours. Arlan stumbled forth, afterwards giggling a bit. He squeezed your hands in his, allowing himself to fall into your chest. You staggered back on your heels, catching yourself before you could topple over. Arlan's hand slid from yours, his arms instead slithering around your body. He then caged you to his warm figure. You hadn't said a word— you didn't need to. All you had to do was bring your fingers to his chin, lifting his head to look you in the eyes.
Arlan wasted no time. He lurched forth, pressing his plump(though chapped) lips against yours. Your hands snatched his face, cupping its shape in your palms. Your fingertips traced his jawline, taking in each feature as your eyes shut. You couldn't last for a minute without seeing him. It'd be too much to withstand.

With a harsh gasp, lungs deprived from oxygen, both you and Arlan gazed into one another's eyes. The overflowing affection was grander than a tsunami. This love could sweep through an entire city and still rampage as long as it receives a fraction of Arlan's love in return. Never will this tsunami die out, nor fade, nor destroy. It has found its beach, its home— a place to remain, happily lapping at the shores to unite with its love whenever it can. The sand is gorgeous, the water cannot help but touch it.

Your hands swiftly clutched Arlan's waist, your fingertips uniting as you received a firm grasp. You then hoisted him into the air, above your head to where you could see it— the sun. The sky, clouds, and rain acted as a stunning backdrop while you gazed up at Arlan. His hands locked upon your shoulders. He began grinning down at you, laughing over the wind.
You then lowered him onto his feet. As he brushed his clothes down, you found yourself unable to avert your eyes. "Goddammit, I love you so much."
Arlan's complexion flushed a darker shade as he offered you his hands, "I love you more." Came his calm, serene response. He then stood on his toes through his shoes, placing a quick peck on your lips. Then, with his lips inches from yours, he spoke—

"No one's here, we have time— let's stay for awhile."

As the sun rises in golden glory, you'll happily rest your head in Arlan's lap, gazing up at his beauty as he rambles to you. He places flowers your hair as he speaks, gifting you more beauty than his voice and face. The overload of it all intoxicated you, leaving you unable to fully respond. All you could do was watch and blurt one sentence.
"Arlan, you're gorgeous."

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