GN!Reader┆ ✦ Sweet Nothings

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         ╰┈➤ You idly rest in Veritas Ratio's embrace while slowly nodding off to sleep, finally free of his lectures

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╰┈➤ You idly rest in Veritas Ratio's embrace while slowly nodding off to sleep, finally free of his lectures.

  ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──

You could practically feel your soul heaving a massive sigh of relief as soon as Ratio shut his mouth, his eyes narrowed as he inhaled a deep breath. After a moment of composing himself, Ratio turned his attention back onto you.
"Do you understand now?" He questioned, planting his flattened hand into his palm as he spoke.
You stared deep into his eyes, "Absolutely." You replied, your voice laced with confidence, though you knew nothing. In truth, all you'd been doing was staring at Ratio's radiated beauty the entire time. You were enthralled by his red eyeliner and his mascara that he had yet to take off..

"Oh, come on," scoffed Ratio, evidently biting his tongue. "There you go, blankly staring like you've just seen a ghost." He gently smacked your forehead, evidently withholding the urge to shake you until you receive internal damage.
You awkwardly chuckled, afterwards inching closer to him. "Aren't you tired?" You asked.
Ratio blinked, "What does that have to do with this..?" He murmured.
"You look tired," you commented. "I mean, don't you want to take off your mascara first?"
"I suppose I should." Ratio sharply glared at you just as you began mentally celebrating. "But that doesn't mean that I'm done scolding you." His tone was just as sharp as shattered glass— typical Ratio.

With a soft snicker, you shooed Ratio into the bedroom, eager to rest in the comfort it could provide. The room was from that of a hotel, specifically one in Penacony. It was cozy, all components considered, so long as you can look past the lack of a bed. This was something that Ratio expressed his disinterest in numerous times. He once told you that he found replacing a bed with two luxurious looking sofas was simply distasteful, and at that level, even idiotic. Then again, you know that Ratio has a way with words. Like when he called you moron when he confessed to you. Thank the Aeons that you're smitten with him, or else you'd have been far less endeared.

Ratio sat himself down on the sofa, relaxing his toned body into the orange-red cushions. He placed his fingers against his forehead, huffing as he attempted to ease the tension gathering in his temples. Meanwhile, you found a cotton pad and some makeup remover from your travel bag. Once you returned, you took it upon yourself to sit down beside Ratio, who simply allowed you to wipe away his makeup as you pleased.

Both you and Ratio were comfortably silent while the cotton pad did the work of slowly erasing the makeup off of Ratio's eye lining. You followed the outside of his features closely with the pad, observing as the darkness lifting the volume of his naturally gorgeous eyelashes slowly began to fade. You always loved when Ratio really went out on his eye makeup, since that's the only makeup he ever actually wears. Sometimes, he'll draw special designs tailored to your interests. You felt as though it was a trend that you originally started. When you and Ratio started attending educational lectures together, you would sometimes bring a little something that was relevant to that days topic, which Ratio evidently appreciated.
While some tend to see a narcissistic know-it-all who has a sharp and unforgiving tongue, you see a person who wishes to witness success. In your experiences with Ratio, he has been harsh, but his wit always leaves its mark, like chalk upon pavement. It may fade in time, but that doesn't mean it was never there.

Your fingers worked to wipe away the remaining bits of makeup remover on Ratio's temples. "All gone," you muttered. "That should feel better." You added as you leaned away from him.
Ratio scoffed, "My makeup is light and delicate on the skin, there is no feeling better after wearing it." He retorted, though there was a hint of gratitude in his voice.
Your brow lifted, though you didn't question it, instead disposing of the used makeup pad and placing the remover back into your bag. You plopped back down beside Ratio. You noticed that his brow was slightly twitching as redness dusted his cheeks. Before long, Ratio's arm was resting upon your shoulder. You inched closer to him, offering him a warm embrace in return. You smushed your cheek up against his chest with zero hesitation.

Ratio only scoffed, which left his lips as more of a snicker. He gradually wrapped his arms around you. "Well, did you finish the work I left you with?" He quietly asked, the sharpness usually present in his voice gradually smoothing out.
"Yep," you melted into Ratio's hug. "Every last bit of it. Madam Herta was happy." You added before yawning.
Ratio mirrored that yawn, though he covered his mouth to do so. He then placed his cheek on the top of your head as you rested on his shoulder. "...that so? What did she have to say about me?" He questioned.
"She said that you're efficient and good at what you do," you replied genuinely. "That's all she said, but she did really appreciate you offering those classes to her employees."
Ratio heaved a defeated sigh. "Aeons, did they need it." He grumbled. "Don't even remind me." He added in a more prominent voice.
You laughed. "Eh, they weren't all so shabby."

Slowly, Ratio's tired eyes fluttered shut. You began to brush your digits through his delicate, luxurious hair. Ratio refuses to let anyone play about in his hair, yet for some reason, he was visibly content with your fingers combing through the obedient waves in his dark hair. Ratio swiftly covered his mouth as he yawned. You continued to brush your hand through his hair, your cheek pressed on his shoulder. Ratio rested his head on yours, slowly exhaling as he did so. His body was comfortably warm, so much so that when you tugged a blanket close to share, you felt beyond comforted. Although Ratio's figure is rather muscular, making his hugs a tad firm, you found that to be lovable. You enjoyed resting against his muscles, gradually beginning to feel them relaxing and releasing all previous tensions nearby with it.

"I love you, Veritas." You spoke in a drowsy voice as you began to nod off, though your words were clear, and with them, they carried much meaning— so much weight that they had to work to reach Ratio's ears.
Ratio cracked into a gentle smile. "I love you too." He softly replied before he began to follow in your footsteps, nodding off and occasionally dipping to the side, leaning his frame against you unconsciously.
You accepted him into your arms, resting against him as he rested against you. When you nestled perfectly into comfort, you shut your eyes and simply fell right asleep, swaddled up by comfort and tender affection.

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