Chapter 47

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A loud sound suddenly woke me up and my head snapped up in reflex

My eyes were met by brightness which immediately forced them to squint

I brought my hand up to my face and placed it at my forehead to throw some shade over my eyes

My uncle was standing before me

I became aware of my surroundings in that moment

Ares was laying next to me, trying to recover from the nap as well, his eyes barely open

"when did you two fall asleep?" my uncle asked, a hint of concern in his tone

I glanced to the time on the wall's clock


We got to the gym at 2 and headed to my uncle's office to talk to him

We waited and waited for him but he never showed up so we ended up falling asleep on his couch

"about an hour ago, we didn't mean to" I answered him, sitting up

Ares managed to come to in the meantime

He cleared his throat before getting up

"we really didn't mean to sir" he told my uncle

"don't apologise, I'm not mad, I'm just worried that you two are overworking yourselves" my uncle said

Perhaps we were

We woke up every day early so we could train for at least an hour before school, then we went to school, did our exams and came back to the gym to train more

The tough schedule was slowly catching up to us

"how was school?" my uncle then asked before he went to open the blinds and open the office windows

"it was fine" I said

"and the geography final exam?" he asked, giving me a quick glance

The geography exam we had today was our last final exam so now we only needed to wait for the results to come in

"it went really good"

"great, that's what I love to hear. You know what's not going to go great though?"


"Ares's match if you don't stop overworking yourselves and get some proper sleep"

"it's only for two more weeks, beside, we can't afford to give it any less than we are as of now"

"are you getting enough rest days?" my uncle asked, the question being directed at Ares

"I am sir, I had two last week and I'll have one this week"

"the exams are over now, we don't need to study anymore so it will be easier on us" I spoke up, trying to give my uncle some reassurance

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