Chapter 3 - Taylor

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JJ gave birth earlier than anyone expected. Specifically, she went into labor one and a half weeks into my training. But that is more than alright, because I was getting a little bored shadowing her all day.

Luckily, my new godson's already got my back. His name is Michael and he is absolutely perfect. A little blonde blue-eyed angel who looks just like his mama. After meeting him, I offered to take Henry out for a few hours and give JJ and Will a break. It's been a while since the last time I spent some quality time with my -now first- godson.

On our way back, Henry asked to play in the small playground outside the hospital, and I agreed to stay out for a bit longer. I sat on a bench away from the other parents that were there.

I kept myself entertained by matching the kids in the playground with the parents around. But I quickly realized that there are more people looking than kids. And this is why I carry my gun everywhere.

My phone starts ringing, and I pick up without taking my eyes off Henry.

"Hi, Will" I put on my phone-voice

"Hi, Taylor. How is the date going?" he asks

"Amazing. We just got back and Henry wanted to play in the playground for a bit. I can bring him up if you need to"

"No, that's ok. I will be down there in a moment to take him in"

"Ok. Take your time"

"Alright. See ya" he chuckles and hungs up.

A minute later I look at the hospital's entrance and I see Will coming. He is not alone though. Agent Hotchner is chatting with him as they walk out the door. I sigh disappointed that he is going to ruin the good day I just had.

He still doesn't like me. He ignores me all the time, he doesn't address me or even look at me. I have tried to have a conversation and resolve any issue there might be but the conversation is always cut short by receiving a call or a text or someone else walking in. And the most frustrating thing is that even after all that he is still respectful in a way. He doesn't cut me off, or walk away from me once I grab the opportunity to talk to him.

As he and Will come closer, Hotch looks forward and for the first time he catches my gaze. Our eyes meet with a near audible click like two magnets.

"Dad!" Henry calls as he runs to Will and I force my eyes away from Hotch

"Hey, buddy" he picks him up

"Aunt Tay got me a whole double cheeseburger and big fries just for me. And then we got ice cream that was this tall" he raises his little arms

"Sounds like you had a good day. Say goodbye and thank you to Taylor now, so we can go back to mama"

Henry runs to me and wraps his arms around my legs "Thank you, Aunt Tay"

"You're very welcome, honey. Tell mama that I love her. Will, congratulations again"

"Thank you, Taylor".

I wave as they go back inside. And then there were two...

"I had no idea you and JJ were this close" Hotch admits

"Didn't you though?" I wonder

"I had a suspicion".

I smile and nod. I throw my purse over my shoulder and we both start walking towards the parking lot.

"Well, I hope you are ready because due to today's events your job officially starts tomorrow" he says

"Yeah, about that..." I stop walking "Could I talk to you for a moment without any distractions this time? I would like to clear some things out before we start working together officially"

"I'm listening" he crosses his arms

"I have a feeling that you do not quite enjoy this change, and I don't care why that is. However, I will have to ask you to put those problems aside for the next four months. Because in order for me to do my job right I need to have clear communication and cooperation with the head of operations, which is you in this case" I explain

"Alright. I understand and I am really sorry I made you feel unwanted in the team" he says

Wow, a man that doesn't become defensive when you point out a flaw.

"Thank you, sir" I reply respectfully.

"Agent Wilson--"

I tilt my head.

"Taylor..." he corrects himself.

It is the first time he says my first name and his velvet voice sends a wave of goosebumps down my back.

"Could I too admit something?" he asks

"Please, go ahead"

"It's not that I don't like you. You just talk a lot sometimes. Especially when JJ is around. You are like two teenagers that teachers are warned to keep parted, put their desks as further as possible"

"That last part sounds about right. But the outgoing is really not. Actually, could you say to JJ that you think I am outgoing? She can be really really pressuring in that department"

"I will put that down for later" he chuckles.

He laughs? How many more miracles will I witness today?

"So, this is me..." I say as we reach my car. "I am really glad we had these last few minutes to talk"

"Me too. Thank you for telling me. And if there is anything else, please don't hesitate to come find me"

"Thank you, sir, I appreciate it".

"I will see you tomorrow, Taylor. Have a good day"

"You too. See you tomorrow".

I get in the car and I finally breathe out. I check my mirror and notice that he is going back. I didn't realize that we walked passed his car. He came up to this point with me just so I won't have to walk alone, even in broad daylight. That is adorable.

I grab my phone and I call JJ. "Hey, did you forget something?" she asks

"Is it possible to be attracted to someone after a single very short conversation?"

"Who is it?"

"Answer my question first"

"Yes, you definitely can. Even looks can--" she stops herself and I can almost hear the gears in her brain turn. "Please, don't tell me it is Hotch"

"Nevermind then..."

"No, Tay. He is too professional to let anything happen"

"I know, and it only makes him hotter in my eyes..." I drop my head back in my seat and I close my eyes. "I mean imagine that tie wrapped around--"

"No. Stop, don't make me fantasize about Hotch"

"I owe it to you. Remember in how much detail you described to me every position you had sex with Professor Conrad? Because I remember every disgusting detail"

"That was over a decade ago, but you are right. We will talk about Hotch, but not now"

"Ok, ok. Thank you. Kiss Michael and Henry for me"

"I will. Love you"

"Love you too. Bye".

What am I going to do now?

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