Chapter 7 - Aaron

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Taylor didn't even blink at my direction for the rest of the day. Or the next. And the next one after that. Whenever she needs to tell me something she either passes me a note or sends me a text. It is frustrating, especially when she does it while we are standing in the same room.

On the other hand, maybe I should appreciate the space. I am back to my boring routine, without any distractions.


I take that back.

JJ walks in the bullpen and I watch from my office window as everyone runs to her. I take a break and I get there too. Taylor steps away as I reach the group.

I ignore it and focus on JJ "Welcome. To what do we owe the visit?"

"I stopped by since I haven't seen everyone in a while" she replies. "Especially you, sir. Can I speak with you for a moment?"

"Of course".

We go to my office and she shuts the doors and the blinds. "What did you do, Hotch?" she asks

"Nothing that I know of"

She tilts her head "Taylor went out for a drink with you two weeks ago and when I called her after she didn't tell me anything. And the next day she stopped calling me. She closed up. She doesn't do that unless something upset her. She isn't sleeping, she is overworking, she is barely eating, she is living on coffee and energy drinks. So, if I can't squeeze it out of her, I will find out from you. What did you do?"

"JJ, I respect you professionally and personally. But I will not let you get in this. Whatever happened is between me and her"

"Alright..." she steps back "I will ask Rossi--"

"No, you will not" I order

"Yes I will. And either you fix this situation or I will make your life hell"

I pause and look at her full of questions.

"Sorry, I gave birth almost two months ago, and my hormones are still partying inside my body. My point is that you will fix this, because Taylor is a great person and we cannot afford to lose her" she says and her eyes shine of tears

"Is it us that can't afford to lose her, or you?" I wonder

"I can't lose her again, Aaron. So please, do me a big favor and treat her like you would treat anyone else on the team. She is doing her job, right? You are always the best at separating personal from professional".

Garcia opens the door without knocking "Oh, sorry. I heard JJ was here and I got excited. Am I interrupting?"

"No, we are done" I tell her

"Great" she takes JJ's hand.

JJ gives me another sharp look before Garcia drags her out. I sit down with a sigh. I take my phone out and I find my brother's contact. I leave him a message.

'Do you remember Taylor Wilson?'


JJ left when we started the briefing for the new case. I didn't pay much attention though

"You are always the best at separating personal from professional" that line kept repeating in my head all the way to the airport.

But just as I am about to board on the jet, my phone starts ringing. I see my brother's name on the screen.

"I assume you recognized the name. And I assume it means something to you because you haven't called--" I say as I answer

"Stop that. Did something happen to her?" he asks

"No. She is working for me and I wanted to check if you remember her"

"Yes, Aaron, I do remember her. Look, there were issues, but she is good. I heard that she is doing really well. Don't be too harsh on her"

"Why was she at the station that night?"

"I can't tell you that, Aaron"

"Very helpful, Sean" I hang up.

I understand that people have secrets, but this one is personal to me. Sean nor Taylor are willing to speak out on it.

"She is good" he said.

Everyone says that she is good. Sean keeps making bad life choices, but she is good. She had to bury that police report in order to get in the FBI and let him take the fall, but she is good.

"She is good..." I whisper to myself. She seemed good in the beginning.

"Are we leaving without Hotchner?" I hear Taylor's voice as I enter the jet

"No, he was right behind me. He is finishing up a call" Morgan replies

"Ugh, and I hoped for a quiet flight..." she sighs

"Well, I am sorry to disappoint you" I speak as I walk passed her.

She rolls her eyes and sits down. I pause for a moment and then I sit across from her without saying anything. I hear her exhale of frustration but I ignore her.

"You talked with Sean" she breaks the silence without looking up from her phone

"News travel fast" I reply without looking up either.

"Are you satisfied with the results of my weekly drug test, sir?" she asks ironically




She reaches in her pocket and flips a coin at me. I catch it and I look at it. It has a triangle in the middle and written inside is XVI.

"She is good".

"16 years sober? Wow, is this is yours?" Prentiss asks Taylor and points at the coin

"Yes" Taylor smiles in front of me for the first time in a while

"That is amazing, Tay"

"Thank you very much, Emily" Taylor blushes

"Can I tell the guys?"

"Of course"

"Come on" Emily takes Taylor's hand and makes her follow her to the other seat.

To my surprise, Taylor stops besides me. She leans and takes her coin from the palm of my hand. The skin contact feels like electricity.

"For the record, I don't know what has gotten up your ass these days, but this is how normal people react. Now, you can either continue to send me for a drug test every Monday, or save that money and put them to my next paycheck as an apology" she whispers and taps my shoulder. She smiles satisfied and walks away.

'You didn't tell me she was 16 years sober' I text JJ

'You didn't ask. I wanted to help, but you didn't' she replies almost immediately.

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