Chapter 19 - Taylor

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~ December 27th ~

Aaron had a scheduled budget meeting this morning with the director and some other unit Chiefs, so I left the hotel room right before he joined in remotely. I went to my mom's and had breakfast with her. Later, my sister, and her family joined us and mom suggested we all stay for lunch.

Jake, my sister's husband, offered to bring the indoor grill from their house, since they live close by, and stay in charge of the food today. None of us argued and let him do his thing.

Ruth, mom and I stayed in the living room to stay out of Jake's feet. I texted Aaron about the lunch plans and that he was more than welcome to join us after his meeting. I didn't wait for his response and let my phone down as my 2-year-old nephew Jackson took my attention.

I have been keeping Jackson busy in my old room for a while now. Apparently, he finds hilarious how I throw a toy in the air and pretend to lose it after it falls behind me. Then he runs to get it for me and I pretend to still look for it on the floor, making him laugh even harder.

"1. 2..." I count getting ready to throw the puppy staffy one more time and Jackson is already laughing. "3!" I throw it behind my back. "Oh, no. Where did it go this time, Jackson?" I ask desperate

"Here..." he points at it, laughing

"Where?" I keep turning around.

He comes and picks it up. I crouch down under the height he is holding the staffy, and I look at the floor. He puts it in my face but I keep avoiding it as I look around.

I hear the doorbell ring and then someone's steps. But I stay in our game. I pretend to find the puppy and act surprised. "Did you hide it from me?" I ask Jackson and I start tickling him

"No" he tries to say between his laughter.

"Hello, Aaron. How are you?" I hear my mom's voice from downstairs

"I am good. How are you?"

"Great. Come in".

His eyes meet mine from across the room immediately and he walks over to me. I let Jackson rest and he sits in my lap as we stay on the floor.

"Shall I expect a smaller number on my paycheck next year, sir?" I tease

"No, we are in the clear with the budget" he informs me and kneels down to my level. "And you must be Jackson..." he refers to my nephew now

"Jackson, you remember Aaron from the other day? He is my... friend" I speak. "Do you want to show Mr. Puppy to Aaron?" I suggest

Jackson takes the staffy and gives it to Aaron. "Wow. Is Mr. Puppy your favorite toy?" Aaron asks

Jackson nods. "Aunt Tay lost him" he says

"She did?" Aaron asks shocked. "How could you?"

"She is silly"

"Really? I had no idea".

I roll my eyes at him with a small laugh. That's when I notice my mom watching us by the corner of the staircase. I shake my head to her, knowing exactly what she is thinking about.

"Jackson, can you go with your grandma in the living room for a moment?" I say

"No, Mr. Puppy" he says and throws it behind his back

"We will play again later, ok? I have something else to do now and then I will be right back" I promise him.

He leaves the room and finds my mom outside. She takes him downstairs safely and I turn to Aaron.

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