Chapter 24 - Taylor

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~ December 29th ~

We spent the night in a cheap only-cash-no-questions-asked motel in town, in order to not leave a paper trail. All this secrecy makes it more exciting. I opened up a lot yesterday, and it felt so freeing. I saw Leo again, and I wasn't scared of him. He was just there, standing almost a foot smaller than Aaron.

He tried to play it cool and smile, but the panic in his face when he saw us matched most killers we have interrogater. He was scared. And in that moment I realized that all this time I was scared of the idea of him. The overthinking made me thing of him as this big mean man who will kill me the next time he sees me. But he is no one, and he is trying to look like the tough guy. Sure, he can still sabotage my career if something gets out, and that is all I care about to fix right now. I am not afraid to face him again if I have to.

In addition, Aaron standing up for me and the things that he told me in the car after the meeting really touched me. I guess I hadn't realized how much he cared, which is stupid of me. This has been the most affection I have felt from anyone in my life, especially in such sort time. I wish this isn't just the honeymoon phase and it continues to be like this. How am I supposed to give him up for two months when we get back?

Despite our shared room, I woke up alone this morning. Aaron had left me a note that he went to bring coffee and breakfast. I texted him that I am waiting for him and stayed in bed. I grabbed my laptop and started looking into Nolan's death -articles and news coverage mostly.

"Good morning" Aaron says as he enters the room

"Good morning" I reply, closing my laptop and getting out of bed.

I kiss him as he sets the coffees and the bag on the table. "This is for you" he says as he pulls a rose out of the bag

"Aaron..." I almost get teary-eyed. "First the necklace, now roses... You are spoiling me"

"You better get used to it" he says as he pulls me to his arms. He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my lips. "Did I tell you how good you look in my clothes?"

"Only about 100 times" I smile flattered

"Then make it 101" he kisses me again.

I slept in one of his t-shirts because I left so quickly from Chicago to catch him that I forgot to pack my pyjamas after changing clothes. And we both left our big suitcases in the hotel back in Chicago and prepared just a go-bag for here. We could drive to our apartments since we are in Virginia, but it is a 3-hour drive from here which would waste a lot of time.

I hug him and I take a deep breath, taking in his scent.

"Is there something wrong?" he asks rubbing my back

"No. I'm just recharging" I answer

"Then take your time" he says and I can almost hear his smile.

I pull away a few seconds later and let him go. He pulls a chair for me and we sit to have breakfast. "My mom called berating me for not going to hers this morning too, and I told her that we had a work emergency" I inform him as we eat

"I will remember that. She is waiting us on New Year's, right?"

"Yes. I can make an excuse for you if you want to sit it out and maybe stay here with your family" I suggest

"No, I am spending as much time as I can with you. And besides, I went to see my mother an hour ago" he says.

Oh, I thought we were doing that together. But it's absolutely understandable if he isn't ready yet.

"I promise that it is not you. I just have a complicated relationship with family. We are distant..."

"You don't have to explain. It's fine" I reassure him. "In other news..." I attempt to change the subject "Remember how the police reports say that Nolan was shot in the head?"


"Well, according to the medical records, when Chief Nolan McClain was rushed to the hospital the doctors discovered that he has a Do Not Resistance order. So, they couldn't even try to get him back with CPR and they simply pronounced him dead in the Emergency Room".

I pause and he nods. "Get to the plot twist, dear" he says.

I get up from the table and I bring my laptop from the bed. I push the half-eaten food aside and I set the laptop next to Aaron. He pushes his plate away as well and pulls me to sit on his lap. I get comfortable and open two documents on my screen.

"This is the DNR that Chief McClain signed exactly 3 months before his death. This is a random police report that he signed around the same time, and another one, and another one..."

"The signature on the reports is more cursive than the one on the DNR" Aaron notices

"Exactly. Now, Dr. Reid may not be here but just by looking at the ink's width in both signature that are on the DNR papers, I can confidently say that there was too much pressure on the pen. The reports though are more light, the strokes are confident, just like anyone who has signed hundreds of papers in his life would do" I point out

"Great observation, Agent Wilson".

I smile. "But can we prove it?" I wonder

"We can sent it to forensics-- Wait, how did you find the DNR order?"

"Well..." I avoid to look at him

"Did you hack your way into his medical files?" he rubs his temples

"I know we can't use evidence if they were collected illegally but at least we know where to start".

"Fine" he sighs. "How did you do it?"

"I didn't have a Penelope Garcia on demand all these years so I had to become creative".

A chuckle escapes him as he drops his head. "Forgery of government documents, theft of police reports, hacking and violation of medical confidentiality... All those in the last two days. I should be mad at you"

"But...?" I bite my lip to hide my smile

"But the only thing I can think of right now is getting between your legs"

"What's stopping you?"

"Absolutely nothing" he picks me up and sits me of the table.

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