Chapter 11 - Aaron

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"I still can't believe what you did" Taylor says in an angry tone at me as she sits in the seat across from mine on the jet -we are the first two there.

"Well, you have two days to believe it because it is happening" I reply without looking up from the file on my lap

"Why did you do it? You don't have anything better to do on Christmas?"

"I had plans but they were probably worse than yours"

"You only say that because you haven't met my family"

"Judging by your mother's sweet words over the phone and then your brother's inputs, I'd say you have range".

"And you really packed a suitcase for a week instead of a go-bag like usual today?"

"Yes, Taylor, I did".

She lets out a long breath "If one person from work finds out about this 'relationship', we could both get in trouble. It is against the rules, especially when it involves a supervisor"

"I know and I don't care"

"That's unlike you"

"Taylor, is there a specific reason you don't want me there?"

"There are plenty actually" she argues.

That moment Morgan joins us and we are forced to cut our conversation short. Taylor leaves me and gets in another conversation with him.

The truth is that my heart sunk when I saw her crying last night. She slammed the phone down and ran to the bathroom in tears. I had overheard a few words from her and it wasn't too hard to figure out what it was said during the call.

So when her phone rang again I answered -they were already assuming I was her partner anyway. I was planning on only telling them that I couldn't make it because of work but then her mother suggested we come any time we were free. That's when I heard her brother's voice commenting that I too was lying to get her out of it. He sounded really certain on the fact that Taylor couldn't keep someone by her side.

Protectiveness took over me and without thinking about it much I agreed on joining Taylor there a day late. It wasn't one of my best judgment calls but I couldn't listen to him speak about her that way.

So now I am going to Chicago for Christmas. Luckily, I didn't really have any big plans before, and I prefer to spend it with Taylor than anyone else. It feels somewhat strange to admit this but it is the truth. I am not sure what I am going to do about these feelings yet. Just the thought of being close to her for a whole week makes me both excited and anxious.

"A penny for your thoughts..." Dave speaks as he joins me. "Are you and Wilson still having marital problems?" he teases

"No, we are not"

"That's very good. How long did you have to drag the apology for in order to convince her?"

"I said what I felt, and she was very nice about it"

"Is that all?" he asks, appearing quite invested in the story

"Yes" I lie

"Hm... I don't believe you, but I am going to let you get away with it because I trust you".

That is odd of him, but I'll take quiet over more questions about my personal life.


The day passed with little to no more complains from Taylor, and I have just sent everyone to the hotel for the night. On my way out, I receive a message from Taylor to wait for her.

I sit by the car and she comes out only a minute later. She is talking to Emily as they approach the parking lot.

"Thanks but Hotch already offered to give me a ride to the hotel" Taylor says to Emily even though I didn't, but I'll take it

"Alright. Goodnight, Tay. Goodnight, Hotch" Emily waves as the two part ways

"Goodnight" I respond to her as I open the passenger door for Taylor. I walk to the other side as she closes her door.

"I don't remember offering a ride" I tease

"You don't? I mean that is what a good boyfriend does" she adds a smile to her smartass response

"Ok" I chuckle and I start the car.

"Actually, I wanted to take advantage of this one to one time to point out a few things" she says

"I am listening" I reply

"I came to terms with what we are about to do. It will be awkward, messy and we will have to set some ground rules, but I recognize that we are a good team -at work at least- and I would rather have someone with me there than have to face my brother alone" she confesses.

This makes me want to look at her and smile, but I manage to keep my eyes on the road.

"Is your brother really that scary?" I ask

"He's not scary, he is just critical. He is you after that night at the bar. He is judging everything I do, nothing is ever good enough for him to give me a good word, and he keeps throwing subtle comments about alcohol and drug abuse. He is difficult and insufferable" she explains.

"And having said that I will not be responsible or embarrassed about my family's behavior during this week. You got yourself in this position" she adds

"I am aware. That's why since yesterday you are the only one complaining" I remind her.

She nods and falls silent for the rest of the ride. Once we get to the hotel, I get her suitcase out of the car and then mine. We walk inside together and we take the elevator to our rooms.

"For the record, I am fine alone" she breaks the awkward silence. "I am only doing this because I don't want to make my mom sad. I don't need distractions from a man in my life. I don't need anyone to take care of me, I never have because I'm ok being by myself. I thrive alone".

"Hm... Mom or dad?" I ask

"What?" she asks

"Who was emotionally unavailable in your home when you were growing up? Mom or dad?" I explain the question

"Dad..." she sighs

"Of course" I smirk

"Smartass" she says under her breath causing me to laugh.

We step out of the elevator and she finds her room first. We say our goodnights and I keep walking to my room.

"Hotch..." she calls me two steps later. I stop and turn to see her. "Thank you" she says

"Goodnight, Taylor" I smile and I continue to walk.

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