Chapter 1 - Aaron

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I get to the office quite early today because I have a ton of files to look at before the rest of the team comes in and we start the new case. Actually, it is not just today. It has been like that for the past few months.

"Good morning" Dave's voice breaks the silence

"You're here early" I comment without looking up from the papers

"No, I am actually just on time. How early did you come in?" he asks

I check my watch "2 hours ago".

He sighs and walks in. He takes a seat across from me and gets comfortable.

"Sure, come in, Dave. Take a seat. Would you like some coffee?" I ask ironically

"No, I'm good"

"And I am busy" I remind him

"I can see that. I am not going to bother you" he says, but I doubt it.

He takes a file from the desk and starts reading it. I ignore him and keep doing my job.

"The new girl is coming in today, right?" he remembers

"Yes. She is going to shadow JJ for the next two weeks"

"Is she going to help you with all this paperwork?" he suggests.

The truth is that I have been taking on more paperwork since JJ announced her second pregnancy to us so she can go home earlier most days. She is going on maternity leave in two weeks and I gave her the green light to choose the best person she knows to step in her shoes for the next four months that she will be out.

"So..." he says as he flips a paper and starts reading "Taylor Melissa Wilson. Education: University of Pittsburgh, Bachelor's Degree at CGS Media and Professional Communications, Master's Degree at Journalism and Mass Communication. That reminds me of someone..."

"JJ said she knows Wilson from college, they have the same education and I believe they are good friends" I inform him

"It also looks like they got in the Academy together" he notices


"Wait, didn't we meet a Taylor Wilson at JJ's wedding?" he asks


"The redhead, right?"

"Yes. Are you done?"

"No. She seemed nice"

"You talked to her once"

"I am good at my job. I also remember that you spent all night asking me if I know her from somewhere"

"Well, I still can't figure out where I know her from..."

"I think all this paperwork makes you paranoid. You need a break"

"And you need to leave. I believe your desk is calling you"

"I don't hear anything".

He continues to sit and read Agent Wilson's resume. I have gone over her resume a hundred times already since JJ brought it to me. She definitely reminds me of someone, but I can't figure out who and it has been driving me crazy since the first time I saw her 3 years ago.

"You're thinking about her" Dave's voice interrupts my thoughts again

"No, I'm not"

"Yes, you are"

"No, I am not. And we are not fighting over this, we are not in highschool" I say as I seal and dump the last file on the pile with the other completed ones.

"Alright, boss. I'm shutting up" he says. "But a nice lady would be good for you and your stress" he continues

"You were shutting up" I remind him

"Ok" he raises his hands in surrender.

A knock on the door saves me from more of his smalltalk. I look out the window and I see JJ and a glimpse of red hair.

"Come in" I speak up

"Is it a good time?" JJ asks as she steps inside

"Yes" I reply as I stand up.

JJ walks in further and lets Agent Wilson in after her. Her hair is a few inches shorter and more ginger than the first time I saw her. Her eyes are the exact shade of green I remember, and her blue suit brightens them up even more. She was wearing blue at JJ's wedding as well. Her smile still brightens the whole room. Her skin--

"Good morning, gentlemen. Agent Hotchner..." she offers her hand for a handshake

"Good morning and welcome, Agent Wilson" I reply

"Oh, just call me Taylor, please. Agent Rossi..." she lets go of my hand to shake Dave's hand now.

Suddenly, I am missing the warmth of her skin against mine. She is still causing these reactions to me. And the fact that I can't remember where I know her from drives me even more mad.

"It's good to see you again, Taylor. I hope you are ready" Dave replies to her

"I believe I am. JJ had started training me months in advance"

"Yes. I was hoping to show Taylor around before we start the briefing today" JJ says

"Of course. If you want to sit, Dave or I could take over for you" I offer

"I am fine" she replies

"I have been telling her to sit down all morning but she isn't listening" Agent Wilson adds

"I am fine. Tay, we are going" JJ says

"Alright, mama" Agent Wilson follows JJ outside

"Don't call me that here" JJ chuckles as she shuts the door.

Dave turns to me smiling.

"What now?" I roll my eyes

"'Dave or I could take over for you' I thought you were busy, Aaron" he teases

"I was being nice and helpful to JJ who is almost 8 months pregnant"


I roll my eyes and I sit down.

"Either way, there is something between you two. You said she reminds you of someone, maybe you were wilding in your 20's" he suggests

"Remember Haley, my ex-wife, Dave? The one you met a hundred times until we divorced? Yes, I was with her since highschool"


"I don't cheat"


He falls silent, finally.

"You still have time to go take over for JJ. I bet there is some closet you and Wilson could make out--"

"Get out. We are briefing in 10"

"See you in 10, Aaron" he almost sings as he leaves.

I shake my head and lay back in my chair. If he keeps this joke going, it is going to be four very long months...

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