Chapter 54 - Aaron

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After months of running with work and planning a wedding at the same time, everything is set. I did my best to help and be involved with everything, but I would be lost without Taylor. She had her planner and bucket lists, she wrote down everything, she set up all the appointments, and I just had to make sure to show up for her. In all this, I only lost one appointment due to work which I attended by facetime. Taylor really knocked it out of the park, yet she was thankful for every piece I put in.

I am trying to show her how much I appreciate and love her every chance I get. I make sure we go out at least once a week, I help with the chores whenever I am there -except ironing which she has banned me from because I don't do it well enough for her perfectionist eyes apparently-, I get her gifts and flowers, and I never miss out on a chance to hold her as close to me as possible. Cuddling while watching some sitcom has become my favorite afternoon activity. I have learned to enjoy these moments and not stress that they could be interrupted any minute by a phone call.

Sometimes, I sit back and give myself a moment to take it all in. I will probably need more than a couple of those moments today.

Last night when Taylor left to stay at JJ's she told me to rest and sleep well. But as the sun started to rise on March 13th, I was up. I couldn't stop thinking about her. Most have told me that I will be beating myself up trying figure out what she is going to wear or how she is going to look like. But I know she will look incredible whatever she has chosen to wear.

Though, my mind is filled with different questions. Is she awake too? Is she watching TV? Is she checking her long bucket list for the millionth time? Is she thinking of the big day today? Is she happy? Sad? Anxious? This night away from her has been the hardest one so far.

I am relieved when my alarm goes off and I can finally get out of bed at a reasonable hour. I get a shower and shave first thing. I am supposed to get ready in the groom's suite at venue so I wear something casual for now.

The bell rings as I finish dressing. I check the camera while I get to the door. It's my brother.

"Good morning! Ready to go?" he asks

"I can drive--"

"Mom send me to get you and make sure you arrive there whole"

"Since when are you the responsible one?" I wonder

"Since now. Come on, I can't let down both mom and Taylor by delaying everything" he insists


We grab my things and put them in the car. "How come mom didn't come along?" I ask as we leave

"She is currently getting her hair and make-up done with Taylor's team" he answers

"Taylor is there already?"

"Oh, yes. Mom, Taylor and her maid of honor are getting ready in the bride's suite"

"Does that mean you'll be getting ready with me?"

"I am your best man, aren't I?" he smiles like a smartass and I smack his arm.

Once we arrive at the venue, we find the groom's suite which is as far as possible from the bride's suite where Taylor is getting ready. I really want to run in there but after a quick interaction with JJ, I am pretty sure she will shoot me down if I try something like that.

So, I force myself to stay in my suite and I start getting ready with my brother. Taylor has been reminding me at every opportunity that the color palette is green and gold. This is why I decided to change my mind on the basic black tuxedo I was set on wearing today, and I picked out a dark green suit. It looks almost black but also green which I think works well.

As I am buttoning my white shirt, JJ walks in the room. She looks ready for the ceremony, but there is a concerning look on her face. "Hotch..."

"What happened?" I ask immediately

"There is an issue. Taylor is the issue. We pulled her dress out of the bag and she was about to get dressed when suddenly she froze and then kicked us all out of the suite. Now she is locked in there and isn't talking to anyone. Not even me and I have no idea what is going on" she explains

"Take me there".

It was an order, not a request. She understood and walked me there without arguing. My mom and Taylor's dad are standing outside the door, trying to talk to Taylor.

"Take them away and keep the hallway empty. Use your gun if you have to" I say to JJ in all seriousnes

"Yes, sir" she replies as I walk to the door of the suite.

I knock lightly. "Taylor?" I call softly. "You don't have to talk to me if you don't want to. But can you just sit with me for a moment?" I suggest as I sit down with my back against the door.

After a small pause, I hear her soft steps approach the door and sit on the other side. I smile slightly.

"I heard you were upset. Now, I am sure you have a good reason and I am right here if you want to tell me. Is there something wrong? We will fix it or find a way to improvise. Are you anxious about the ceremony and the people? Let's elope. Are you not sure about it? We can postpone. No problem with that. I am not going to force you into something you don't want. What do you need me to do?" I ask

"I miss my mom" she says and a small sob escapes her

"Oh, my love..." I breathe out.

"She was supposed to put me in my dress and give me her bracelet -my something old- just like she did with my sister. Ruth has given me the bracelet but it's just not the same. I know there is no way to fix that feeling, and I sound ridiculous--"

"No, don't say that. This is completely reasonable. But I am sure she is watching you from up high and I am sure she is smiling. She basically told me to marry you, remember?"

"Yeah" she almost chuckles

"So, take some time to calm down and then think how you want to proceed today"

"No, I want to marry you. I just wish she was here. I heard the recording she left me a hundred times, and there is no doubt she'd be mad if I screwed this one up. I am just extra a emotional today"

"Me too actually" I admit


"Yeah. I barely slept all night"

"Me too! Maybe we should have slept together"

"I agree. I can't wait to see you"

"Me too. Do you want a sneak peek?"

"Will JJ shoot me if I say yes?"

"No" she laughs.

I can hear her stand up so I do the same. A few seconds later, I receive a text. It is a picture of the tail of her white dress and besides stands her infamous pair of gold heels.

"I can't wait to have you lick the champagne off me again as soon as we are alone" is the text that follows.

"I can't wait either" I say. "Meet me at the end of the aisle, love?" I suggest

"It's a date" she replies from inside.

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