Chapter 28 - Aaron

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~ December 31st ~

Yesterday's day went by in a blink of an eye. I decided to give my mother one more chance and visit again. I was hesitant to walk in the house at first but I was grateful that Taylor was with me. She is truly the best and only person I needed by me that moment. She prompted me to talk to my mom about the way I felt, and made sure Sean was away for the time we needed.

That conversation was emotional but also relieving. It turns out that my father had isolated her and was constantly saying to her that she would be dead if it wasn't for him. She didn't have anyone or anything outside of him. She was apologizing to me constantly as we were talking and even got to her knees. She really thought I hated her. I never realized I acted so cold towards her.

At the end of that day, I was an emotional mess but I was also glad I went. Taylor stayed with me and didn't let me walk away from her in order to hide how emotional I was. I am not afraid of many things, but the way she can sooth my fears makes me fall even more for her. Seeing her, feeling her, makes me feel better. That is all I need from her. Her presence brings me calm.

How can a person fall in love this hard in just a week's time?

Taylor also agreed on spending Easter with my family in a few months. It is the first time I planned a family visit without putting it off or trying to come up with an excuse to not go. Because after the long-due feelings conversation, we had a good time. It was like I had just let go of all those negative thoughts I had buried in me for so long that overshadowed the good memories, and I could finally enjoy them.

'A profiler who can't figure out his own self...' that is what Taylor called me.

Today, we traveled back to Chicago. Her mom was very insistent on spending New Year's Eve with us and since Taylor wanted too I couldn't argue with her.

"Aaron? The red or the green?" Taylor asks holding up two hangers with dresses in front of her

"The green makes your eyes brighter" I answer

"Thank you" she kisses me quickly and lets the red one down. "Wear something to match"

"Does all black work?" I ask

"Yes. And make sure you roll up the sleeves of your button down. Makes you look hotter" she adds

"Yes ma'am" I chuckle. "I have seen you naked, why are you changing in the bathroom?"

"Because I don't trust myself to stop you once you get all handsy on me, and if we are late again my mom is going to kill me. And I want to surprise you" she flashes a smile before closing the door of the bathroom.

This woman...

Half an hour later, she walks out looking like the absolute goddess she is, in a velvet green dress that stops on her knees. But my eyes get caught by her deep cleavage, that leaves exposed her entire tattoo between her breasts. Her wavy ginger hair falls effortlessly on top of her breasts.

She walks closer to me and offers me tissues. I snap out of it "What?" I ask

"You are drooling" she says

"Shut up". I contain my smile and she laughs at her smartass joke.

As I dress myself she adds on gold jewelry on her and pulls out of her suitcase a brand new box. "Look at these..." she says astonished.

I turn thinking she is talking to me, but she is taking a video of herself in the mirror, focusing on the gold high heels on her feet. She is feeling herself and it is adorable. I lean against the wall and I watch her.

When her eyes find me, her face gets red. "I was sending this to JJ. She got me these heels and I hadn't had a chance to wear them yet" she explains

"That's a shame"

"Ok. Should I wear them on our next case?" she asks ironically

"Sure. They look great on you" I kiss her

"Thank you"

"I am going to fuck you later and you are going to be wearing only these" I promise her. She bites her lip as I pull away from her.

We get to her mother's house around 10pm and her whole family is there already. Quickly, she gets dragged away from me by her nieces and nephews who were playing in the hallway under the stairs.

I thought I shouldn't run after her, so I tried to make conversation with the rest of the guests in the living room. But that didn't last long, because my mind was always on her. I stop fighting the urge and I walk to the hallway. I stand by as I watch her play race with the kids.

They run from one side to the other, Taylor pretends to fall and grabs the child closest to her. The rest of them attack her to save the one she caught. All of them giggle and yell as she tickles them. I can't help but laugh myself at the sight.

The other day I called her love during sex. I wasn't thinking at that time, it slipped. But did she notice it? Does she think she heard wrong? Is she too anxious to bring it up?

"She is good" I hear her mother says from besides me. I have no idea how long she has been standing here with me. "She had problems, but she is good" she tells me

"I know" I reassure her.

She smiles and pats my shoulder. "I don't know what was happening the first day you two came, something felt off to me. But I see it now. The way you look at her... Don't wait too long to ask the question" she says

"Only a fool would" I admit

"Good boy".

She walks away as Taylor comes closer. "What were you two talking about?" she asks

"Classified" I reply, wrapping my arms around her waist

"Is it now?" she laughs as she allows me to bring her closer to me

"Yes. Is the little game over?" I wonder

"Water break. Wanna join in the next round?" she offers

"I think I'm good"

"Your loss".

"How about we take advantage of the break and go upstairs for a moment?" I suggest

"Absolutely not. We are at a family event. Keep your hands to yourself, Hotchner" she tries to sound mad but her smile betrays her

"Then say that to me again without smiling"

"No, I will not. I am only smiling because they are looking at us"

"No, this is a real smile" I insist

"Oh, so you can tell now?"

"I always could, Taylor".

I kiss her lips, not caring who will see us this time. I feel Taylor's hand on my cheek as my tongue enters her mouth.

"This is disturbing" her brother interrupts us as he walks by

"Then don't look" Taylor speaks before I could and connects our lips again.

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