Chapter 46 - Taylor

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"Of course, Mr. President" I say as I take the two new files he gave me to review

"Thank you, Taylor" he replies as I walk away.

On the way to my office, my phone starts ringing. "Wilson" I answer

"Hey, Tay. How are you?"

"Good... Everything alright with you, JJ?" I wonder, worried at the randomness of her call

"Are you busy?" she asks

"A little, but I can make time" I answer

"Tay, something happened... Hotch collapsed in the middle of briefing this morning".

My heart drops and I stop walking. I can feel my chest getting heavy as my breath shortens and quickens.

"What happened?" I manage to speak

"We don't know yet. Rossi is with him at the hospital"

"I am meeting them there".

I hung up and I run. I drive over the limit to get to the hospital. I can almost hear Aaron telling me to slow down by the passenger side.

I arrive and I approach the nearest nurses station. "I need information about a patient you just brought in, Agent Aaron Hotchner" I say

"Family?" she assumes

"Partner" I confirm

"I am sorry I can't--"

"Don't say that you can't give me information because of HIPAA. I am his partner and I asked to know about his condition. If you refuse, I suggest you take your concerns up with your boss, who can take them up with their boss, who can take them up with my boss in his big oval office". I show her my White House clearance badge as proof.

"Mr. Hotchner was bleeding inside his abdomen, believed to be by old scar tissue; torn adhesions from previous stab wounds. He seems stable right now. They just did an ultrasound but they can't see exactly where the bleeding is coming from. He is currently been prepared for an exploratory laparotomy" she reads the file. "You can wait on the third floor by the family area" she adds

"See? Wasn't that hard. Thank you" I say and I head to the elevator.

Once I get up there, I meet up with Penelope and Rossi. Penelope immediately stands up from her seat and comes to hug me. I enjoy her embrace the few seconds it lasts.

"Are you up-to-date?" Rossi asks

"Yeah, I made a nurse told me. Did they take him in already?"

"They just did" Penelope answers.

I nod and I pull my phone out.

"Who are you calling?" Rossi asks me

"Reid. I need statistics for exploratory laparotomies and complication rates"

"No, you don't need to get more worked up right now" he says as he takes my phone from my hand. He give it to Penelope and grabs his jacket. "I have to leave and get to the airport with the others. Garcia, don't lose her" he orders

"Yes, sir" she replies and he leaves us.

I sit down and drop my head forward. Penelope sits besides me and takes my hand. "He will be ok. He has been through worse" she tell me.

"I told him that he didn't look good this morning, but I was thinking what I have to do today at work to insist on him seeing a doctor..." I admit

"Oh, honey, this isn't on you"

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