Chapter 33 - Aaron

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It turns out that Taylor was right about the religious group and she also found us their names from the attendance list she managed to get.

Smart and gorgeous...

This break was doomed from the start. I am in a worse position than I would be if we were still together. Because there is not a single second of the day that I don't think of her. When she is in the room I struggle to keep my eyes away, and when she is out I struggle to keep my mind away. So, what difference would it make if we just kept going?

I have slept alone for three nights and I am already missing her from my side. The most adorable thing was the way she would reach over to touch me at random moments during the night just to make sure I am still there. Most times I would feel her and hold her hand in my sleep. After a week with her, I have forgotten how to sleep alone.

Fortunately, I got some news the morning when we landed in Virginia that will probably keep me occupied after work.

Leonard McClain -Taylor's ex who got her addicted, abused her physically and mentally, and almost killed her- has been denied bail and is currently been transferred to East Woburn Correctional Facility -as I requested and pulled a few strings to arrange- awaiting for his trial. But whatever he is being charged with does not include the crimes against Taylor. He managed to blackmail and frighten her for almost 20 years, and I am not going to let him get away with that. I will get my hands dirty if I have to.

"Sir?" her sweet voice takes my attention

"You know you don't have to call me that, Taylor"

"I know. But you like it" she smirks. I like anything she wants to call me.

"What do you need?"

"I finished this for you" she lets the files drop on my desk

I check the names and realize she has done some of the extra so I won't have to. Everyone else has left already.

"Good girl" I say casually

"Hey, no. You don't get to do that now" she tries to argue

"Oh, so you are the only one who gets to tease?" I chuckle

"How long does this break have left?" she sighs

"It is only the fourth day" I reply. But it feels like a century.

"As a payback, I am not going to wear a bra tomorrow. And they say it is going to be cold outside..." she warns

"I can't wait" I smirk, not giving her the reaction she expected and driving her more mad.

"Goodnight, sir"


I wrap up quickly and leave the bureau closely after Taylor. I have one last string to pull for Leo.

So I fly to Boston. A car is already waiting for me in the airport and I arrive at East Woburn Correctional Facility within two hours. I get passed security clearance and I go to see my new client.

George Foyet.

A man I never wanted to see in front of me again, but I will have to do it now.

"Hotch! I never thought I'd see you here" he says as they bring him in and I am already regretting it

"Sit down".

"When they told me I have a new lawyer, I didn't believe it"

"Just to be clear, I only did this so I can see you alone. I don't intend on being here again" I inform him

"You are breaking my heart, Aaron"

"Get over it".

We sit down across from each other and I give him Leonard McClain's file.

"How are those scars healing, Aaron? I bet the girls like them. Now that you are divorced-- Actually, I heard there is a new one. Is it true?"

"Shut up and open the file"

"You're still no fun. You know that?".

He finally opens the file and raises an eyebrow. "Oh, yes. That's cop they brought him in today" he confirms

"I am aware. I want you to give him a warm welcoming, and make sure there is some permanent damage"

He looks up immediately. "You are really asking me that? Me?" he chuckles

"Do I need to repeat myself?".

"Let's say I do it. What do I get from this?" he asks

"Like you previously said stabbing is a substitution for the act of sex. I bet you haven't had any of that for the last 5 years that you've been in here..."

"Aww, you were actually paying attention to what I was saying while I was stabbing you. I'm touched".

"I am giving you one last thrill. Take it or leave it. And unfortunately for me, the more damage you do, the most likely it is to stall your execution" I mention.

He smiles. "I'll think about it" he says

"I think you've already thought about it".

He stands up and starts walking to the door. "Always a pleasure, Aaron. Give Red my regards".

I grab him the collar and pin him against the wall. "Watch your mouth. I fucking swear that if you cross me this time, you will not see the light of day again".

He smiles pissing me off even more. He knows exactly which buttons to push and I am not having of that.

"You have 2 fucking days to take care of it". I let him go, grab the file and leave.


I return to Virginia close to midnight and the first thing I do is take a long shower in absolute silence. I don't feel bad for what is about to happen, and that is probably concerning.

I get in bed and I stare at the ceiling. Only one thing in my mind.

Fuck it, I'm going to her.

I grab my keys and run to my car. I race to her place and I ring the doorbell.

No answer.

I clench my fist and my jaw. I left so quickly that I didn't even think of grabbing my phone or anything else other than my keys. I turn around and lay against her door disappointed.

I have no idea for how long I sat there trying to decide where I should look for her next. She could be out. She could be at JJ's -she mentioned a visit. Or she could be at someone else's house... She better--

"What are you doing here?" she asks as she appears from down the hallway. "I just went to your apartment to find you but you weren't there. And why aren't you answering your damn phone--"

"Shut up and let me kiss you, Taylor" I say desperate as I grab her waist and bring her to me.

I crush our lips together and I feel the long breath of relief that leaves both of us. My heart flutters and my whole body aches for her. So I kiss her hard, hungry, desperate for more. She returns the same passion and I already feel the blood rushing to my cock.

She reaches for her keys but I take them from her hand before she could pull away from me. I open her door without breaking the kiss. I pick her up and I carry her inside.

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