Chapter 2 - Taylor

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JJ showed me around the BAU quickly even though I told her a million times that I can figure it out myself. She is almost 8 months pregnant, she shouldn't be walking around when she doesn't need to but she is stubborn.

"Any questions?" she asks

"No. You made everything very clear. Thank you very much for that. Let's get you to sit down now"

"I will sit once we get to the briefing room"

"Let's go then" I take her arm and walk her.

"You are supposed to be shadowing me today, not dragging me around"

"I will be dragging you around when it comes to your well-being" I insist

"Ok, stubborn"

"I took after you".

I notice there are already people heading to the briefing room. Luckily, I know most of them well because we have gone out together a few times after I met them at JJ's wedding.

Except Hotchner. He never came along when I was there. The others say that he is not very outgoing and I believe them, but last time it felt a little personal.

I had just come across the BAU team on my way out from the bureau and we all agreed on going out to grab lunch. Hotchner was still finishing up upstairs so JJ called to tell him.

"Great, we'll see you there, Hotch. Taylor will be with us too" JJ said from besides me

"Wait, actually, I think I have some more papers to take care of. I will see you on Monday" I heard his voice say from the phone.

I never brought it up, but that made me ten times more stressful for today. To my surprise, he seemed nice this morning. Maybe he is nicer than I originally thought.

Or maybe he has to look nicer. According to JJ, he gave her the authority to bring in anyone she finds most fitting to replace her while she is on maternity leave.

Despite our longtime friendship, JJ and I have the same education and almost the same work experience. We have been through everything together; we got our bachelor's and master's together, we got our first jobs at the same time, we got into the academy together.

She settled in the BAU pretty quickly after that, while I have been bouncing back and forth between multiple different departments -I have even managed to juggle three departments at the same time during last year. I just want to people to see how good I am at my job and finally start moving up the chain of command.

There have been rumors recently that the current Director of Communications of the FBI is getting ready for retirement, and there will be promotions soon. So, I don't plan on staying at the BAU for longer than I need to. I just want to use my time here -in a department that holds one of the highest approval ratings in the FBI- to show to the bosses that I can do great wherever I am placed.

And I am pretty open about my intentions with everyone. Is this why Hotchner doesn't like me? Because he thinks I will not be committed to his department? Or maybe he thinks I am after his position? Oh God--

"Taylor!" Penelope's happy voice is the first one I hear as we enter the briefing room

"Hi!" I hug her after I sit JJ down. I greet and hug every single one of them actually. Emily, Derek, even Spencer.

Until Mr. Grumpy walks in with Rossi. "Let's get started" he gives out the case files and Penelope stands up.

"Two double murders over the past month in Boston. Both married couples were murdered in their sleep in their homes. All four victims had their throats cut. There have been no signs of forced entry or struggle".

Penelope keeps talking but my eye catches Hotchner's hand move. He is sitting right across from me and he just pulled his phone out. He starts typing something and I find myself unable to look away.

Why doesn't he like me? Everyone likes me. I am pretty and hot-- Smart! I meant smart and hardworking. Because we are working, and I am absolutely not thinking about his large veiny hands-- God! Even Strauss likes me! What is his problem?

He drops his phone in his pocket and raises his head. I look away immediately and turn my attention back to Penelope.

JJ and I actually sit for the entire briefing even though we read and picked this case last night. I usually don't do that because I have to run for multiple cases, but I guess I have to relax some and adjust here. Relaxing might be good for me.

After the briefing it was finally time for take off. So, I sat in my corner to go through the case files my way and take some notes.

"What are you doing?" JJ interrupts me

"What does it look like?" I smile

"I told you to sit and talk with the guys. I need you to socialize" she almost begs

"Socialize? I have met them already. And I will have you know that yesterday I met the new hot guy that moved in my apartment complex"

"You met one new person in the last two months, wow" she says ironically

"And we made out in the elevator"

"Why didn't you start with that? Emily! Taylor made--"

"Stop! If you weren't pregnant, I would have kicked you right now"

"I know you would. So I am using the pregnancy benefits for as long as I can" she smiles.

"Who did Taylor make out with?" Emily enters the conversation and sits down

"The new hot guy in her apartment complex" JJ answers

"Oh, how hot?"

Not that hot, to be honest.

"Very, I saw him the other day. He is tall, blonde, with a great smile"

"And no skills or personality..." I admit under my breath

"Well, that's a bummer" Emily replies waiting for no other explanation.

"Ladies" Derek calls "Are you done? Garcia is waiting with new evidence" he points at the laptop.

Everyone is looking at us. Everyone probably heard us. Hotchner heard us. He probably found this unprofessional. He is never going to like me, is he? It is going to be four very long months...

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