Chapter 21 - Taylor

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Aaron and I landed in Virginia and took his car -which he had left in a rented parking spot here when we originally left- to get to Staunton which is an one and a half hour drive.

I have seen Aaron drive many times, but the way he is gripping on the steering wheel now makes me believe that he isn't too happy to be going home. During the flight, he didn't tell me much about his family. He mentioned that his father passed when he was in boarding school and that his mother's name is Helen. That was all. From what I understand she is alone, so it is kind of a dick move that he leaves her alone at Christmas too, since he told me he didn't have any plans for the holidays.

The closer we get to Staunton, the more his hands fidget. I am not scared that he is going to do something, but I have never seen him this stressed before.

I clear my throat, breaking the silence. "This is kind of romantic" I say in my attempt to lighten the mood

"What?" he smiles slightly for me

"You and me going back to the town that started it all. That's where we first saw each other. That's where the story started. That's where you became obsessed with me" I tease him with the last sentence

"I did not" he really laughs this time

"Yes, you did. And JJ's wedding triggered it for good. You couldn't stop thinking about me and who I was. You told me so" I remind him

"Ok, when you put it like that..." he admits.

I smile satisfied. "But isn't it weird that we were in the same room 20 years ago, and we had so many connections all these years, yet we only officially met 3 years ago?" I wonder

"What do you mean?"

"It was like there was always a link between us. From 16 to my 20's that link was Sean. Then, Sean and I were losing contact around the time you got in the FBI -I remember that was one of the last thing he told me. So, Sean was gone, but it didn't matter because you were already working with my uncle Philip at Seattle. And once you left Seattle to go to the BAU, JJ came in"

"Are you talking about the red string folktale?" he asks

"I suppose I am" I smile even more at the fact that he knows about the tale.

According to it, a string (usually red or golden) is tied around the finger of those that are destined to meet one another in a certain situation as they are their true love. It keeps them close and pulls them closer to each other during their entire lives.

Aaron moves his right hand from the steering wheel to my leg, visibly calmer than before. I put my hand over his and I hold it. I take a few quiet breaths and I try to relax as the topic of my past comes to mind. I should talk to him now that we are alone. This is the safest place to do it.

"You don't have to pressure yourself if you are not ready to tell me yet" he says and that is when I notice how tightly I have been holding his hand

"I have to get it over with. But where do I even begin?" I sigh

"Your parents are getting a divorce, and you have to move to Staunton for a year..." he suggests a start

"I move to Staunton with dad, I don't know anyone besides my sister; my brother is already away for college. For a week, I go to school and come back without talking to anyone. I am very lonely. Then Leo approaches me during lunch. He is a senior with quite the reputation. He compliments the necklace I am wearing that day and I blush. That is my first mistake. Because after seeing that he has me there, he keeps giving me attention and I fall for it. So, desperate to stay close to him I don't argue much with him and give into whatever he needs. It starts with drinking, then sex, then drugs. I lose myself completely but I justify it to anyone who would point it out".

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