Chapter 53 - Aaron

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The case in New Orleans took a massive turn in the early morning hours and we closed it before noon. I texted Taylor that we are on our way back and she replied that she'll wait for me at the bureau so we can go to lunch with her dad.

I did, in fact, call him before proposing to Taylor. It could be stupid, she is an independent woman, but I needed to feel covered. I also told him to visit anytime. I assumed it would be good for Taylor since her mom is gone and she is just sitting alone at home.

As I enter the bullpen, her bright smile welcomes me. "Hey, welcome back" she says

"It's good to be back. Mr. Wilson..." I shake hands with her dad who is by her side.

"Mr. William!" JJ calls as she comes to greet him too. He looks to recognize her and return the same excitement.

"JJ, how is Will and the little ones?" he asks

"They are good" JJ replies.

"JJ, can you stay with my dad for a second? I want to have a word with Aaron" Taylor suggests

"Of course. I have photos to show him"

"Behave you two. I have ears and eyes everywhere" her dad warns

"Sure you do, dad" Taylor chuckles.

"When you said you two are like sisters, I underestimated your bond" I admit

"Everyone does"

I chuckle. "After you..." I say, letting her lead the way to my office.

We close the door and the blinds almost automatically, before we kiss. "I always miss you so much" I sigh as we pull away

"Me too" she leans for another quick kiss. "Do you need a moment?" she asks

"Yes actually" I admit.

She pulls away and I set my bags down. I sit in my chair and take a second to sort the new from the old files on the desk. Taylor sits on the other side and picks up the new picture I have framed there -it's my favorite one from our engagement photos.

"Aww..." she says

"You look too beautiful not to. I want to be reminded of it every time I sit here"

"If you love someone, you will remember what they look like" she replies in a deep voice and with no expression

"Alright, Captain" I laugh

"Oh my God, I am so proud of you for getting that reference" she smiles and I shake my head.

(Just a little tribute to our beloved Captain 🖤)

"How did the meeting go this morning?" I wonder

"Oh, right. This is what I wanted to talk to you about...".

"You liked staying at home, didn't you?" I assume

"Come on! How did you know that?" she laughs

"I call it Tay-tuition" I smile.

She gasps "Did you just make a joke?"

"Oh, get over it" I kiss her quickly. "Seriously now, I have no problem if you want to stay home. I can provide financially for us" I reassure her

"Look, until this morning I thought I wanted to stay home. Then I walked in here and I got an adrenaline rush I also missed" she confesses

"To the point, Taylor" I remind her as I walk around the desk to reach her.

"I am taking Foster's proposition as Assistant Director of Communications" she announces

"I thought you hated that when he proposed it to you" I remember

"I did, but I think that now it is the right time. Being at home lets me be at peace, but I still feel like something is missing. Now, this job will be mostly 9 to 5, with less stress. I already had a great run in my career, I climbed the ladder, and yet I was never satisfied or felt good enough with myself. So, I am coming back but in a simpler position. No more running for the top, or trying to prove myself to anyone" she explains

"Is that what you want? That is all I care about"

"I think so. I mean, I want to get out of the house for a purpose and I miss the rush of fixing a crisis. I also want to be home by the afternoon. I want to have time to cook, bake, start reading again, even maintain a small garden up in the terrace... And have more time with you. Because there is no way I am letting you step away from the BAU so we can see each other more. You belong here, you are needed here and I don't want you to ever choose between me and work".

"So, what do you think?" she asks in the end with a nervous smile

"I think that I must be the luckiest man in the world" I say and I kiss her.

I think that last sentence made me fall for her all over again. In the past, many moments felt like I had to choose and I was being punished for choosing work. They couldn't understand that I am choosing to go to work because I have to -I would never choose work over my person. That is why I thought I was meant to be alone. Taylor proved me wrong in the best way possible.

I hold her face and I rub her cheeks softly. "I love you so much, Taylor" I say

"I love you too" she replies with another bright smile.

We kiss and I slip my tongue in her mouth. I push her slightly, forcing her to take a couple steps back, until her ass hits my desk. I feel her smile against my lips, and her hands rest of my chest.

But she pulls away from my lips "This is so wrong. My dad is here" she reminds me

"I'll be quick and quiet" I smirk

"Tempting. But no, I can't" she insists with an apologetic expression

"Ok. Then lunch?" I suggest

"Yes!" she smiles.

I kiss her one last time as I take her hand. I love nothing more, than pulling away from her lips and seeing her gorgeous smile reappear.

"By the way, I saw somewhere that if you don't have sex for a month before the wedding, the anticipation will make the wedding night even better" she says

"Love, I swear..."

"You know I could never do that. But I love teasing you like that" she says and grabs my face to kiss me

"You are gonna be the death of me" I sigh

"Best way to go then" she smirks

"You're not wrong" I admit and I kiss her again.

There is a knock on the door. "Wrap it up you two" her dad's voice comes from the other side, causing her to chuckle

"You heard the man" she says as she pulls away

"Let's go" I squeeze her hand as we walk out of the office.

Can March 13th come any faster?

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