Chapter 40 - Aaron

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JJ is officially back to work and Taylor has moved back in her old position. And my biggest fear is coming true; we don't see each other anymore. Our unpredictable schedules don't match, she is usually away when I am home, and vise versa. We talk every day but we meet maybe once or twice a week if we are lucky. Our relationship is turning into long distance within our own town. And I miss her a lot.

I don't want this to be our normal. So, I have searched for ways to reduce traveling, I have even looked into other positions in the bureau. But at the end of the day, I don't want to choose between work and Taylor. And Taylor herself has forbidden me from doing 'anything stupid' for her. She says to be patient...

Therefore, I am preparing to leave for Texas after we have the briefing while she is landing in Virginia now. I hope to catch her even for a minute on my way out.

"...abduction sites are 5 miles apart" Garcia reads out the case

"Both low risk victims" Prentiss points out

"And physically similar" Morgan notices.

"The coroner suggests that he pinned their eyes open and then blinded them with sulfuric acid" Garcia adds.

"Garcia, come up with a list of jobs that would give the unsub access to sulfuric acid. The rest of us, wheels up in 30 minutes" I say and get up.

"Hey..." Taylor smiles as she stands against the doorframe of the room.

She greets the others quickly and then turns to me. "Can I steal you for a moment?" she asks

"My office" I answer and let her lead the way.

I lock the door as she shuts the blinds. She jumps in my arms and I catch her. I kiss her head and I inhale her scent, trying to get enough for the following week while I'll be gone.

"I have news!" she says as she pulls away for me.

"The profiling course?" I remember

"That too. I passed, but that is not important"

"Not important? You passed. Congratulations!" I kiss her. "If I am ever down a profiler..." I mention

"Actually no" she taps on my chest. "I am going to tell you something that is semi-classified, so I need you to understand and not get mad at me"


"You know how I am the spare liaison, and work a hundred different cases whatever department they send me in?"


"Two weeks ago, they send me a little further..."

"Taylor, I would love to sit and talk with you but we are leaving. Please, get to the chase" I ask her

"I was in the White House. I wasn't working from my office all week as I told you, I was working closely with the president and the Communication team in the White House for an issue that I am not supposed to discuss... But the profiling course and experience definitely came through because we had to work on a solution the public would accept. The director called me in the day after it was over and informed me that they were really satisfied with my performance. And this morning, I got an email with an official offer".

She gives me her phone and I look through the document quickly. It is a great offer actually, with a salary close to 200K a year.

"They want me there are to oversee almost everything that goes out to the public and handle a crisis if one breaks out. I will be working in the White House, Aaron! I will be overseeing communications, staff members, and I'll have access to so many documents!" she says excited.

"It sounds good. It is a major upgrade. Even bigger than the promotion you were expecting. But are you sure you want that? Don't get me wrong, I have no doubt about your ability to handle it. You are smart, tough, you work well under pressure, you think quickly on your feet, you read people and know what they need to hear. However, it can get very political and challenge you morally" I warn her

"I want it, Aaron. I want it a lot right now" she replies

"Then congratulations" I smile and hug her tightly.

"And it is going to keep me in DC -unless an emergency comes up- therefore we will have so much more time together" she says and kisses me

"Now that might be the best part. Even though that paycheck looks pretty bug..." I admit

"I am going to negotiate for a bit more actually" she replies

"Isn't it big enough already?" I chuckle

"It is, but it's lower than the previous guy's and I am greedy".

I nod and laugh. "Congratulations, again. You deserve it" I kiss her

"Thank you" she wraps her arms around me tightly.

Her phone starts ringing, interrupting us. This is probably a good time for me to leave as well. I grab my briefcase from my desk and I kiss her one last time. "I love you, go get some rest"

"Love you too" she replies as I leave and answers her phone.

I run into JJ on my way to the elevator and we step in together. "Did you say goodbye?" she asks

"Yes. But if all goes well, these quick goodbyes will end soon" I mention

"Which one of you is changing their job?" she asks suspiciously

"Unfortunately for you, I am not going anywhere..." I answer

"Where is Taylor going?"

"I am not supposed to say anything"

"Come on, you can't bring it up and then leave me with nothing"

"I am letting Taylor tell you"

"Fine... I can't believe she told you first, and not me. I feel cheated on"

"Sorry" I laugh. "For what it's worth, I think she will do good. And the new thing is going to keep her in town almost all year long, so she will be around for more"

"That's great!"

"It really is".

We get off the elevator and on my way to the car, I realize that I left my phone in my office. I ask JJ to call Taylor and ask her if she can bring it down for me. But she tells me that her call goes straight to voicemail.

I leave my briefcase in the car and I go back upstairs. I notice Taylor standing in my office with her back to the door and holdings her phone to her ear. I walk in but she remains still. She doesn't talk or move.

As I get closer, I hear her rapid breathing and suddenly all my alarms go off. "Taylor?" I speak softly

Her phone drops on the floor and her hand goes to her chest. "Taylor" I call more worried this time. I touch her shoulder and turn her to me. My heart drops.

"What's wrong, Taylor?" I ask as I help her sit down.

Her eyes are red and watery. Her breaths are extremely short and quick, I bet her heart is racing as well. Her hand remains on her chest. Her whole body is shaking badly. I kneel to her level and hold her free hand.

She is panicking but I can't help if I don't know what is going on. So, I grab her phone from the floor. I see that she was talking to her sister.

Before I can call her back, Taylor squeaks almost like a high pitch sob. I have never heard her do this before. I let the phone down and I grab her face. "I am right here, Taylor. It's going to be ok. Just take a breath with me..."

I guide her through a few of breaths until her heart rate drops. I hold her face so her eyes stay on me.

"What's wrong, love?" I ask again

"My mommy..." she sobs.

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