Chapter 47 - Aaron

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I want to marry this woman.

Even when she infuriated me because she wouldn't let me get out of bed for almost anything during the first week of my recovery. Even when she would get mad at me because she thought I was walking too fast around the house during the second week of my recovery. Even when she would argue with me that I was not ready to go back to work after the doctor cleared me for office duty.

I want to marry her. I didn't think I'd say this phrase again in my life. A year ago, I didn't even want feelings. Yet she walked in and gave them to me. These last 7 months, we have been through good and bad moments together. I still can't believe how quickly I fell and opened up to her. Some would say 7 months is early, but I have no doubt that I will be with her for the rest of my life. So why wait?

The most important thing I have to figure out at the moment is the engagement ring.

Luckily, we had a conversation close to that topic. A couple of months ago, when I first returned home from the hospital Taylor and I were watching TV in bed for most of the day since I couldn't move much. She would stay with me there because she worked from home as much as she could. One day when another one of her sitcoms were playing, the main characters got engaged. I took the opportunity to start the conversation on why she didn't like the ring she was seeing on the TV. The information I got that day on what she likes concludes to: gold -as most her jewelry-, and oval but not too oval cut, she said.

This definitely narrows the selection pool down but there are still too many choices. I had to ask for help from an insider.

"Will just texted me..." JJ says as she enters my office and shuts the door

"I believe I told you this stays between us" I remind her

"You think Taylor wouldn't have suspected anything if I went to her and started talking about rings? It's Taylor we are talking about" she points out. "So, I sent Will to run into her this morning, they started chatting and he told her that he wants to buy me something for my birthday, he brought up rings and he just send me the information".

She gives me her phone and I look at the summary text. "Gold and oval, we got that. The size, I already figured that out. Not too big, but also not too simple, plain and boring. Great...".

I hand her her phone back and I open my laptop. I delete some of the options that don't match the newest information and I am left with three options to decide from. They are pretty similar to each other. One has a band of tiny diamonds, the other has a three smaller diamonds besides the big oval one, and the last has both. I delete the last one as too much.

I turn the laptop to JJ and I let her see the last two choices. "The second one. The first one makes the oval to look too big and plain. The second one balances it out" she answers

"Thank you very much" I say, relieved that this step is over

"Don't relax now, you have to come up with a plan for how you are going to ask her. And you better make it very romantic and emotional"

"Don't worry, I already have a plan" I reassure her

"Then don't screw this up"

"I have no intention--".

A knock on the door interrupts me. Garcia tells us that they are ready to present and we cut the conversation short to go to the conference room.

The new case is in Georgetown which means I will not spend the following days away from home, I'll actually be closer to home here than being at the bureau. On the way to the crime scene, I look at the engagement ring again and again. I order it right there, putting JJ's address to the delivery information for safety. I can't wait to see the ring on Taylor's finger.

Back to the case, two women were found dead this morning in one of the rooms of probably the most famous hotel in Georgetown. The room has been sealed but the hotel has insisted we keep this quiet so people continue walking in, out and around all day long, probably contaminating the scene.

JJ, Dave and I walk in the hotel together. The lobby is full of busy people, and amongst them I notice a very familiar redhead who had to leave very early this morning after a phonecall. My heart skips.

"Go ahead and check the room, I'll find you there" I say to Rossi and JJ.

They leave and I approach Taylor. "Small world..." I say

She turns and smiles as she looks at me "Hi, handsome" she replies and reaches to kiss me. "What are you doing here?"

"I was going to ask you the same thing" I avoid to answer

"I am making arrangements for a few paparazzi photos. Spoiler alert, tonight they will catch never seen again candid photos of the president's son walk out with the woman that he has supposedly been dating for a while now. Commitment increases his chances to be elected Senator in the next round. Don't tell anyone" she explains

"Maybe that is not a good idea right now. There has been a double homicide..." I whisper to her

"You are kidding me" her eyes go wide

"I wish"

"Alright. I will push the candid to a few days later, when I hope this is resolved" she says and starts typing something on her phone.

Those fingers would look even better with that beautiful ring on.

"Thank you" I reply, snapping out of my thoughts

"Of course. I'll see you at home. Let me know if you need anything" she says

"I will. I love you" I kiss her quickly

"Love you too. Bye" she replies as I walk away.

I try to contain my urge to return to her and I go to find the others at the crime scene. Both bodies are still laying on the bed as they were found.

"There are signs consistent with drug overdose, and the powder on the table probably confirms that theory" JJ notices

"But according to the first police reports there are almost no fingerprints in the entire room" I remember

"There was definitely a third person here. I would even say the unsub put the bodies on the bed after they were already dead. They are too perfectly set" Dave says

"Remorse?" I suggest


"We gotta bring more CSI's. Whoever swiped the room may have left something behind" I say

"I will go make the call" Dave says and walks out of the room.

"Everything ok with Taylor?" JJ asks

"Yes, of course. I didn't catch her this morning so I went to see her for a second"

"That's adorable" she smiles

"Stop it" I drop my head to hide my own smile

"Or what? You'll fire me?"

I chuckle "I see why you and Taylor are friends..."

"Took you long enough".

"Enough about me. The engagement ring is coming to your house next week. Don't forget it" I remind her

"I won't".

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