Chapter 25 - Taylor

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My ass slams on the cold table as Aaron sits me down. He fists my hair and crushes his lips on mine. Without looking, I close the screen of my laptop for safety. Aaron grabs it and throws it on the bed. I want to yell at him for throwing it but I am unable to pull away from his lips.

I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. I feel his growing erection between my legs as his tongue invades my mouth.

My heart is beating like a drum in my chest, synchronized with my throbbing pussy. He smiles in the kiss as he feels the heartbeat between my legs against his cock.

He rests his hands on my exposed thighs and rubs them softly. His fingers go further up and sneak under the hem of his t-shirt that I am wearing. He finds the band of my panties and slides them off me.

He push one finger between my folds and brushes over over clit. My lips part in a gasp and my head drops as electric crosses through my veins. He pulls his fingers back but my hips follow him.

"Good girl..." he whisper smiling.

He gives me more and I moan. He moves his fingers lower and pushes two inside of me. He starts thrusting, increasing his speed as he goes.

My body trembles as my orgasm builds. But he slows his pace at the last minute, and I groan of frustration. I grab his shoulders with my nails almost digging into his skin.

"What do you want?" he ask as he thrusts his fingers inside of me painfully slow



"Fuck me" I breathe out.

"I didn't hear you"

"Please, fuck me, Aaron!" I groan.

With one hand, he fists my hair and kisses me aggressively. With the other hand, he undoes his belt and pants. He frees his cock, and with my legs I push him closer to me.

He places his tip at my entrance and waits for the next beat to slam into me. I am so wet that he slides into me almost without friction. But at the same time, he is stretching me so much.

Both our moans echo in the room. He drops his forehead to mine and closes his eyes for a moment. He begins thrusting fast, deep, brutally, making me take every inch of him. His balls slam against my skin and my moans become screams.

He almost rips the shirt off me. He grabs my bare breasts that bounce with each thrust. His jaw clenches as he shallows a groan. My nails scratch his back and neck, desperate to grab onto something.

He pauses, torturing both of us. He lowers his head and sucks on my nipples. He looks up at my face for a moment. It is so fucking hot when he does that. He drags his mouth up my neck until he reaches my ear. And he starts thrusting again.

It doesn't take long for my orgasm to start building again. "Come for me, love" he whispers in my ear.

He pinches my nipples and fucks me even harder than before. I explode. My mouth falls open in moans and screams of his name. He holds my shaking body against his until I am back.

Once I have caught a breath, he picks me up, turns me around and bents me over the table this time. He pushes into me and I fucks me again. He wraps my hair around my fist and use it to make me take him deeper. The table is squeaking under us.

He slaps my ass. "Who's fucking you?" he asks

"You" I moan

"Who do you belong to?"


"That's right. Your pussy is mine. Let another man touch you and he dies. Do you understand?"

"Yes" I scream.

He pulls my hair back and brings my torso up until I am standing and his chest presses against my back. He wraps one arm around my waist and grabs my breasts with the other. He buries himself so deep into me.

"Aaron... Aaron!" I break around him again.

He comes right after with short groans, his orgasm ripping right through me. I trembles beneath him, and he helps me sit properly. I didn't notice when he put a condom on, I didn't even get to think about it but, of course, I didn't have to tell him. This is why I hate boys.

He holds me for a moment. He smooths my hair out of my face before giving me a soft kiss. "Are you alright?" he asks

"Yeah" I answer and I press my face into his chest.

"You are unbelievable, woman" he breathes out

"I'll take that as a compliment".

He wraps his arm around me protectively. I almost curl in a ball against his chest and close my eyes for a moment. I listen to his heartbeat and I feel my heart pounding against his. They both drop slowly as we calm down.

"We will make this right" he speaks breaking the silence

"Make what right?"

"I will make some calls and get us an official search warrant for the PD's files"

"Really?" I ask excited

"I will try. But in order to do that, we need sort of a witness..." he mentions

"Tell me what you are looking for and I will take care of it" I say immediately

"I need someone to report that Chief McClain's death was an assassination, and confirm the complicated relationship with his son"

"I will look into it. Anything else?"

"No. If we get that one person to start the investigation the police will have to look into it, so I will twist and turn Strauss until we get jurisdiction saying that he was an old friend"

"Make it very emotional, she is a sucker for that" I advice him

"Sure" he chuckles. "Once we get jurisdiction, we will get Nolan's report, which will lead us to the medical documents, which we will claim legally and then we can send the signature to be examined by forensics" he explains.

I kiss him. "You are amazing" I kiss him again. "If one day we had had enough and the switch turns, we would make an excellent couple of unsubs" I say

"You are crazy" he laughs as he kisses me

"And that is why you like me".

He doesn't argue and kisses me again.
This will never get old.

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