Chapter 51 - Taylor

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This vacation has been a true heaven. I can stay here with Aaron forever. No worries or responsibilities. Aaron's phone hasn't rang once for work, and I stopped being anxious that every call will interrupt our time.

He has been the best during this trip. I don't think I have heard the word 'no' leave his lips. Well, maybe once when I asked him to come for a swim with me naked. To be fair, I wasn't expecting him to say yes. He was literally waiting for me with a towel so no one passing would see me.

Today, marks a week in paradise. Only three more days to go, but I am not going to treat it like a countdown because then I will be more focused on the time than the actual experience.

Breakfast on the patio in front of the beach, sunbathing, swimming, lunch and dinner outside, walks, shopping, sex, more swimming, more sex. We also spend a couple hours apart every other day, Aaron goes golfing and I do things for myself; massage, nails, a facial.

I went for a second massage this afternoon and I can't praise enough these ladies' hands. I don't think I have ever felt more relaxed. Aaron refuses to come, but I'll turn him around. He will be thanking me afterwards.

"You better get yourself hard because I am going to suck your brains off" I say as I cross the door.

Aaron appears from the patio with a smile across his face. "How so?" he chuckles as he crosses his arms and leans against the doorframe.

That black polo stretching against his forearms is doing so many things to me. I might as well drop to my knees right now.

"I am just in a great mood" I inform him as I get to him

"That's great. Unfortunately, I will have to push your request for later..."

"Why?" I complain

"Because I have something else planned for now".

He takes my hand and leads me to the patio. The night sky is beautiful, and we have spent a few nights out here cuddling under the stars, with the only sound being the waves some feet in front of us. He has lit up some candles making the scenery even more romantic.

Aaron wraps his arms around me and kisses me. "How is it that you get more and more beautiful with each passing day?" he wonders

I chuckle and look down blushing.

"No, really. I still remember the first time I saw you at JJ's wedding. You walked in to check if everything was in place just before the ceremony, I am guessing you were with her before that. You were wearing a royal blue dress with some kind of tiny and discreet sparkles on. You greeted everyone you recognized with huge smile on your face. At the reception, JJ introduced you to me and that was it... I found myself unable to look away for the rest of the night, and I couldn't take you out of my mind for the following 3 years. You can say that I was enchanted to meet you". He smiles.

Did he just...?

"I didn't try to like you, and I certainly didn't want to have to think about you all the time. Then you came in to work with us and I had to come to terms with the fact that I will have to see you every day. I started passing by your office in the morning to greet you and let you show me which case we were going to work on that day. In reality I was trying to come in early so I could earn a conversation with you before the others arrived. I would do my best to get you to smile, so your eyes get that little sparkle they get... And my hands were shaking from holding back from you".

There! He did it again!

"On Christmas, the way you flashed those gorgeous green eyes at me and asked me to kiss you... I never thought I could lose self-control like that. But it was so damn worth it. It all seem new and exciting. And even though we tried to stay apart for professional reasons, it didn't take. I remember all our secret moments in crowded rooms, where they had no idea about me and you"

"Aaron, why are you quoting Taylor Swift?" I ask worried for his well-being.

"Because I love you" he says and kisses me to stop me from speaking further. "This vacation has been one of the greatest weeks of my life. I wish we could stay like this close forever and ever. And from now on, I want to spend every holiday, vacation and every single normal day with you. I want to come home to you, I want to share everything with you. Fall asleep and wake up by your side. Even when we fight, I want you. Because I know we'll be fine. Even when you lose your mind, you are all I want".

Oh my God, it's really happening!

My heart is racing and I feel the tears coming in. He hasn't broken eye contact as he talks to me. And by all those references, it sounds like he has done research to prepare.

"On New Year's Eve, while your nieces and nephews had been keeping you busy, your mother approached me. She had advised me not to wait too long to ask you to marry me. Back then we'd been together for a few days, yet I could see it.

"I am fairly aware that it still might be early for this step, but sometimes you have to jump and pray it is not a cliff. I don't find a reason to wait any longer. I am sure about two things, Taylor; I want you and I love you. I want you for worse or for better. I love you in a way that is both exciting and scary, because I would do anything for you. You light up my life and make everything worth it. I love you so much, Taylor, and I will continue to love you for the rest of my life".

He reaches to his back pocket and pulls out a small box. I can see his hands shaking as he holds it.

I place my hands over his "Are you nervous?" I ask, not believing it

"It's fine. You deserve to have a nervous man down on his knees" he chuckles as he goes down on one knee.

He opens the small box revealing the most beautiful and shiny diamond ring I have ever seen.

"Taylor Melissa Wilson, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" he asks.

This is the easiest decision of my life.

"Absolutely" I answer immediately and lean down to kiss him.

He stands up, holding me. I refuse to pull away from his lips and I feel his smile. "I love you" I kiss him. "I love you" I kiss him again. "I love you so much, and it would be my honor to become your wife" I say as I hold him tightly. I can't believe this is real.

He holds me and rubs my back until I step away first.

"You have no idea how happy you just made me" he says, not able to contain his smile

"Did you think I would ever say no?" I wonder

"A little bit" he admits. "The setting, the ring, my speech, anything could go wrong"

"I loved everything. And I would have never imagined Taylor Swift lyrics to come out of your mouth, even as simple sentences"

"What can I say? Any normal person would probably choose to quote Shakespeare, but you are not anyone" he says as he brushes my hair out of my face

"Please feel free to use this method in your vows as well"

"No. And you can't tell anyone about it" he chuckles. "Do you want to try the ring on?"

"Of course!".

He takes it out of the box and slides it on my finger. I move my hand in different positions to check it out. "Wow, it's quite big... Probably more than I deserve"

"No, it is only 3 Carats" he mentions

"Only!?" I almost choke

"And the smaller ones by the sides are 0.25 Carats each" he adds

"So, I will be carrying 4.5 Carats everywhere-- How much-- I am not worth whatever price you paid for this"

"You are worth far more, but I was stopped me from adding more Carats to it"

"You are crazy" I chuckle

"Only for you". He wraps his arms around me and kisses me slowly.

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