Chapter 30 - Taylor

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After our little session, Aaron and I managed to sneak in the bathroom without anyone catching us. I wish the sound of fireworks covered whatever noise we made in my room. It was really risky and inappropriate to have sex in my childhood bedroom, but seeing him all night in that black button down with his sleeves rolled up made me weak.

So, we cleaned up quickly and I got dressed again. I was so close on going for another round in the bathroom, but we had to keep it together because we heard people coming in the house from the yard.

"I'll make sure you are quiet" Aaron whispers to me, almost begging for one more round as we walk down the stairs

"Later" I insist, flattered.

"Where have you two been?" my mom folds her arms as she spots us

"I spilled a drink on my dress and we went to the bathroom to clean it up" I answer immediately.

My mom nods and moves on, not convinced but I don't really care. My sister takes a step closer to me "By the way he was kissing you after the countdown, I doubt you were only cleaning a dress up there" she whispers

"Jealous?" I smirk

"Shut up" she smacks me playfully.

"Quiet!" my uncle Philip raises his voice from the living room as he turns the TV up.

Everyone stops and we go closer to check what he is watching. "...4th body was retrieved from the lake Saganashkee Slough in Illinois within the last two hours. The authorities will continue their search in case there are more bodies. Reports mention that some of the bodies have been in the water for more than a three months, while other no more than a couple of weeks".

The reporter pauses and touches her earpiece. "Don't..." I almost beg, knowing exactly what follows.

Everyone's eyes leave the TV and move to me. "She is probably about to say something that she shouldn't..." Aaron explains as he clenches his fists

"An inside source has just informed us that a coin was found in the throats of the first two victims, so the others are assumed to have one as well. This seems to be the signature of the Crown Killer".

I drop my head. "Two sentences, three strikes..." my uncle says and I nod.

Both my and Aaron's phone ding. A second later, his phone starts ringing. He shows me Strauss' name on the caller ID.

"What are the odds she is calling to wish you happy new year?" I ask

"None" he replies and goes outside to answer.

"Of course. And Taylor has to clear this fucking mess again" I speak to myself.

"There are dead bodies, why are you so upset about the news and the name?" Austin asks

"Austin..." my uncle tries to defuse the situation but I am having none of it

"Because if the news are not handled well, then there will be more dead bodies. Here they mentioned his signature, they confirmed that it is in fact a signature -which we could have used against a suspect during interrogation-, and they gave him a name. It has been two hours and he already has a name! If he is a narcissist and sees that he got a nickname that makes it to the news and the papers, he will kill again to keep the hype up" I explain.

Aaron returns quicker than I thought. He leans to my ear "She is about to call you too. I told her I'm in Illinois -not Chicago-, pretend you don't know I am here and we will deal with the rest later" he says.

My phone starts ringing almost immediately and I run outside.
"Wilson" I answer

"Agent Wilson, I am sorry to interrupt your holidays but there has been a situation in Illinois that requires help and I am sending in the BAU"

"Is it the bodies in lake Saganashkee? I just saw it on the news"

"Yes, that is the one"

"Well, I am already in Chicago so I can be there in an hour"

"Good. Agent Hotchner mentioned to me that he is also close by so give him a call and you two get a head start on the crime scene. You also have to clear up the already messy press situation"

"Yes ma'am"

"Good luck" she hangs up.

I go back inside and regroup with Aaron. "We are in the clear. I am calling you and arranging to meet in order to get a head start at the crime scene before the others arrive. I also have to get a hold of the press and what information gets out" I tell him

"You focus on that second one the most. Strauss will call Garcia, and Garcia will notify the others properly. I am texting her now to do the briefing on the flight here. How do I break the team down?"

"You are asking me?" I ask surprised

"Yes" he answers without explanation.

Suddenly, I get a flashback to my first days in the BAU when he was quizzing me every chance he got.

"First, I need a list of missing locals in the area from Garcia and then she will be looking into every victim once the ID's start coming in. Reid to the coroner's office. I want Morgan, Prentiss and Rossi with me on the crime scene to start on victimology. You will go by the local station first to remind the officers about confidentiality and then join us there"

"Good. Let's go".

We return to our hotel, change, gather our things and move to the hotel the bureau provides for us. We don't want to risk being seen together by the others yet.

We check in the new hotel about an hour later, we get our keys and head to the room. As soon as we step in the elevator, silence takes over. During the last hour that we have been running and talking on the phone, we didn't have time to think about what this means for us.

I turn towards Aaron and he does the same. I meet his eyes and I take a deep breath. My heart is beating so fast that I think it is going to explode. I want to reach and touch him.

"We are going back to work..." I say

"Unfortunately, sooner than we expected"

"Yes" I sigh. "So, does the break start now?" I wonder.

Aaron takes my hand and rubs it softly. I look down at our connected hands and try to prepare myself for the answer he will give me.

But the elevator opens before he could speak. He lets out a long breath "We will talk once we have time, alright?" he says eventually


He gives my hand one last squeeze before letting go, and we force ourselves to move on for now. Vacation is over and we are back to reality.
I don't like reality...

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