Chapter 6 - Aaron

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The next morning, I find 4 new case files on my desk that probably Taylor has left. I sit down, read through them and make the final decision on which one we are going to take on today. I message Taylor my decision and put away the rest.

Usually, I would go by her office to say good morning and inform her about the case, but I have no desire to see her right now. Maybe I am too harsh, but I can't forgive the past her for being the start of my brother's long-lived career of bad life choices.

A moment later I see Taylor walk by my office on her way to the briefing room. She finds Garcia there and they start talking. Taylor laughs at something Garcia tells her and they continue the conversation as they set up the room.

"I am very confused right now" Dave says as he walks in my office and shuts the door

"What has you confused?" I force myself to ask

"Your date--"

"There was no date" I lie

"Stop lying, I saw you"

"You're stalking me now?"

"No. I was sitting at the bar enjoying a very old and expensive whiskey in quiet when you two came in. From my point of view, it seemed to go great. She was smiling, you were smiling, her eyes were all glowy with that flirty look"

"The what?"

"You can't be serious... Anyway, then you said something, she froze, you said something again and she walked away. Luckily for you, I can fix everything so tell me what you did"

"I don't want you to fix anything. I don't plan on seeing her again outside of work"

"Woah... Now I am even more curious. What happened?"

"Well, I remembered where I know her from" I mention


"She used to go to school with Sean. It was just for a few months but it was in those months that Sean started drinking and doing drugs".

He waits further explanation.

"When I was fresh out of college, I used to visit home pretty frequently. One day that I happened to be there, I got a call from the police station that my brother had been arrested after he got in a fight with another guy who ended up in the hospital in a pretty bad condition. Sean was high and lightly injured, but he was still acting like the tough guy in the common cell. So I get to the station, pay his bail, and wait in the waiting room for them to bring him out. There was a single other person in that waiting room and that was Taylor. I am 100% sure it was her. She was crawled up in her chair, keeping her head done. She looked up just once and our eyes met.

"The next second, the officer walked out with my brother. He whispered to me that the girl was also high and they were waiting for her father to pick her up. But on our way out she and Sean made eye contact. He shook his head slightly and she nodded. That was it. The charges where dropped, and Sean never talked about it again. All just went downhill from there for Sean" I explain

"Alright, and?"

"And!?" I repeat pissed. "They were getting drunk and high, she got him arrested--"

"How old is Taylor?"


"So all that was 20 years ago! Come on, Aaron..."

"I don't care if it was 2 or 20 years. Sean was fine before she walked in our lives"

"Sean is also 36 years old, he is a grown man. Sure, they both made some bad choices but they have different lives now. Taylor made her path, Sean made his. Why would she be responsible?"

"You don't--"

"I don't get it? Ok, whatever. You are a hard head. And when you realize how wrong you are and start chasing her tail, don't call me for help because I will be sitting and laughing at you"

"I will not need--".

There is a knock on the door and Taylor steps in. "We are ready to begin. Are you two done talking about me?" she asks

"Not everything revolves around you. We are coming" I answer without looking at her

"Sure..." she replies and walks away.

"That last comment was unnecessary. I am on her side" Dave says and follows her.

I sigh and I stand up. I gather my things and I join everyone in the briefing room. We go through the presentation like normal and then I hold her back. I asked her to stay when everyone was listening so she wouldn't be able to deny or ignore me.

"Do you want to insult me more?" she asks as soon as we are alone. She has the tough-Taylor expression on.

"How did you get in the FBI after the night in the station? After that night you and Sean were arrested but your record is clean. How?" I wonder

"It is a long story".

So she cleaned up after herself and let Sean take the fall. I nod "Are you hiding anything else that I should know, Taylor?".

"What do you want from me, Hotchner?" she asks desperate

"To make sure you can do your job"

"Excuse me? Have a given you a reason to believe otherwise?"

"Yes, last night. I need to be absolutely sure that you are in your right mind"

"Are you implying that I--" she replies offended

"I don't know, have you been drinking lately?"

"I had an iced tea last night. You were ther-- No, I don't need to explain myself to you. I have done my work brilliantly over the past month and you cannot deny that".

She walks away, but turns at the last moment before she crosses the door. "You know, for someone who studies behavior, you are horrible at reading emotions and reactions. Is this how you really create a profile? You see all the facts, but once you see something you don't like you attack? I don't have your experience but that can't be right"

"This is not just another case, Taylor. This was something that changed an entire life"

"Have you considered that your brother's life might not have been the only one that changed that night?"

"How did your life change that night, Taylor?" I ask tired.

She pauses.

Eventually, she shakes her head "Nevermind" she grabs her things.

There we go again. She drops a bomb and then walks away. I wish JJ had warned me about all this.

"Order me a drug test if that is the only way you will trust me again" she adds and walks away.

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