Chapter 37 - Taylor

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Last night, I confessed my feelings to Aaron. If it was anyone else, I would have never said I 'think' I am falling in love. But I knew he wouldn't judge me. I can see how much he cares and I hate making him put his own needs second for me. I want to tell him that I love him, and I am not overthinking it, I just need to be sure.

We went to work like usual today, we had lunch together in his office, and we arranged to leave together at the end of the day. Impatient to finish and go find him, I rush to the 13th floor to deliver some last files to other offices. On my way back, I find the door of the Director of Communications office open and I notice a new box inside.

I freeze and do a double take. I notice the name on the desk.

Alan Foster
Director of Communications

"Wilson! Here you are. I was looking for you in your office but I guess you found me in mine" his tone of voice brings me so much anger.

I keep myself together and I turn to face him. I shallow my pride and I offer my hand to him "Congratulations, Agent Foster"

"Thank you. It took a lot of work" he says as he shakes my hand

"I am sure". It also took me a lot of work just to fail. "But I thought the promotion wouldn't come out until next month"

"They had already made their decision so they informed me this morning. I was on my way to find you just now because I have a proposition" he mentions

"I am listening"

"This work is important and I will need a trustworthy person by my side. I know you must be good at your job since we came really close for this position, and I have no doubt you will be very valuable in management and also big part of the decision making"

"I will consider it and get back to you the soonest. Good evening, and congratulations again" I say with a smile and walk away.

Instead of returning downstairs, I go higher up. I walk passed the secretary and straight to the director's office. She tries to stop me saying I don't have an appointment but I ignore her.

"Why Foster?" I ask as I storm inside

"Hello, Agent Wilson"

"Why Foster?" I repeat my question.

He sighs and sits back. "Because he is good and fitting for the job"

"I have a higher success and acceptance rate than him" I remind him

"I agree. You and Foster were the top two names. But at the end of the day, your rates were close enough and Foster is less controversial" he says


"Agent Wilson, have you noticed the articles that come out about you after you stand on the podium for big cases?"

"You mean the insignificant blogs talking about my appearance? I can't control them. What do they have to do with anything?" I ask shocked

"I am aware that after press conference, there is always something people will argue with, either the information given or the mouth they came from. You understand that we want to minimize that backlash.

"I want you on that podium too, Agent Wilson. You earned it, you deserve it. Unfortunately, the public criticizes you too much to allow me to do it. Agent Foster does not receive as harsh comments or criticism" he explains.

"So, he got the job because he is a man..." my fists are shaking of anger as I say it out loud.

"I am sorry, Agent Wilson"

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