Chapter 52 - Taylor

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I am getting married. Me!

It has been two weeks since Aaron proposed and I still can't believe it. Everytime I notice the ring on my finger, my heart skips. I stare at it and watch it glisten in the light. Aaron has caught me multiple times doing it, and he just stares at me smiling.

And not only he got me such an incredible ring, but he also did his research and included Taylor Swift lyrics in his speech. I would have never ever imagined a man would sit and listen to so many songs for me, especially when he teases me everytime I put them on. But deep down, I know they're growing on him. I swear that the other day I caught him humming to 'Cardigan' while cooking. I find this side of him adorable even though he still hides it; once a nerd, always a nerd.

We have started talking about approximate wedding dates. I suggested either spring or fall because I don't want the weather to be too hot or too cold while I am wearing a dress. So, we landed on some time in the upcoming spring. We have started looking into venues and I already have a favorite. I love planning!

"Did you get the email?" I ask Aaron as I see him on my laptop's screen

"Yes, I just had a look and I think it is great" he answers.

He has visited every venue with me, and I just received more details from our favorite one. He is working in New Orleans right now, so I forwarded to him the email. Lately, we've been facetiming every night that he is away -well, when it is possible with the time difference. He usually texts me once he is back to the hotel to hop in.

"Ok, so we are booking it? March 13th?" I ask once again to make sure

"Let me grab my calendar..." he jokes. "And I will speak with them tomorrow morning to make it official"

"I can email them right now"

"No, I got it, Taylor. What is on the list now?" he wonders as he continues to eat the take out he probably got before going to the hotel

"Many things actually... We agreed on the olive and gold theme, but we have to find actual decorations. I can definitely DIY many of them and I have a board with ideas-- Oh, did you ask Rossi about being best man?"

"I never said I was going to ask Dave"

"I mean, it is kind of obvious..."

"I thought so too at first. But I..." he sighs. "I am considering asking my brother"

"Really?" I ask, almost emotional

"Yes. You can't say he didn't contribute to this relationship one way or another..."

"That's for sure. Well, you have time to decide. And we could ask Dave to officiate if he isn't your best man".

"We'll see. Did you ask JJ for maid of honor?"

"I didn't have to ask, she already knows. However, I am putting together a gift for her to make it official"

"Of course. Invitations?"

"I am sending in the wedding date and venue information tomorrow, and they say we should have them within two weeks. I was thinking of going to Chicago to hand deliver them to my dad and sister. It's a good opportunity for a visit" I suggest

"It sounds good. I will try to keep that weekend clear and come with you"

"That would be great. When do you think you'll be coming back from New Orleans?" I ask

"I really don't know. It is an unpredictable one. I'm sorry"

"That's ok. Serial killers aren't your fault. I just have some news to share with you and I want to tell you up close"

I watch him freeze for a moment. "The plan B failed?" he asks

"No" I laugh. "No. It's about going back to work. I have a meeting at the bureau tomorrow"

"Really? For which position? Is Foster stepping down from Director of Communications?"

"No. I will give you the details once I am out of that meeting and you are here"

"So you're edging me now?" he chuckles

"You don't like it, do you? Taste your own poison for a bit" I laugh.

The doorbell rings, interrupting us. Who could it be at this hour? It is almost midnight.

"Expecting anyone?" Aaron asks

"My mistress" I answer ironically.

"I'm serious, Taylor. Leave the laptop on just in case" he says protectively

I shake my head and I get up to check. The laptop is on the table, already facing the door, so I don't have to move it. I walk to the door and I see through the hole.

"Dad!" I almost gasp as I unlock the door

"Taylor!" he exclaims as he hugs me. I hold him for a moment before letting go. "I am not going to lie, it took me some time to find this place" he admits

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" I ask as I let him in

"When you called me to tell me that you are engaged, I remembered that I haven't visited you in a while. Your new place looks great..." he says as he looks around the living room/kitchen area

"Thank you. I was actually planning on coming to visit too in a couple of weeks with-- Aaron!" I remember that we are still on the call.

I return to the laptop quickly "Hey, see? No threats" I say

"Yes, I saw" he chuckles

"Aaron is there? Hello!" my dad says as he shoves himself in front of the laptop with me

"Hello, sir"

"So, how did the plan go? Good?" he asks

"She said yes, so it must have been good" Aaron replies

"Wait, you knew he was proposing?" I ask my dad

"Oh, of course. He called me a few days before"

"Aww, did you?" I ask Aaron

"I just wanted to make sure there will no more bumps on the road"

"That is very adorable and thoughtful"

"I guess so. Anyway, I should be going now. I am sure there will be an early rise tomorrow" he mentions

"Ok. Don't forget to call the venue tomorrow"

"I will"

"I will send you a reminder text tomorrow. Goodnight. Love you"

"I love you too. Goodnight".

The call ends and I shut the laptop.

"He is a good man, Taylor" my dad says

"I know" I smile. "Now, do you want to grab a quick snack real quick and let me give you a tour of the house and the guestroom?"

"Yes, I am starving"

"Coming right up, sir" I reply as I jog to the kitchen. I open the candy drawer and I let him choose. He grabs a Snickers bar and then follows me inside.

"Oh, and tomorrow morning I have an appointment at the bureau. I can take you there for a tour as well if you'd like" I mention

"I would love to. I don't think you've ever taken me there despite how many years you worked for them"

"Yeah, I'm learning to trust and open up more lately" I admit. And I owe it to one person...

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