Chapter 14 - Aaron

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I expected Taylor's brother, Austin, to be a judgmental narcissist but he exceeded my expectations.

After Taylor went in the kitchen, I returned to the living room and her uncle and I were having a good conversation. He used to be my unit chief in Seattle, and it has been a long time since he was last in the bureau.

However, 5 minutes into the conversation, Austin cleared his throat. Then 2 minutes later, he spoke in his attempt to lead the topic elsewhere. And then 5 more minutes later, he almost demanded we change the subject because he was there too. He really can't hold back if he isn't the center of attention.

The doorbell rings and Taylor comes to the door running. She welcomes the person with a hug immediately, so I am assuming this is her father. More people start arriving and Taylor introduces me to everyone.

It feels wrong to lie to them, and introduce myself as her partner, but seeing how much she relaxes when she sees me makes all the guilt go away. She was so nervous when we got here, and now she seems like she is actually enjoying herself despite her brother's comments here and there.

He is really starting to annoy me, so with the first opportunity I go to find Taylor. She is still in the kitchen with her mother.

"Hey!" her bright smile makes my heart melt. "Sorry I left you alone for so long. She isn't letting go of me" she says referring to her mother

"It's alright. I am managing it" I reassure her

"I hope our family isn't too loud" her mother says

"No, not at all".

"Taylor, get these to the table" she hands Taylor a cutlery set

"I can help" I offer

"No, you are a guest" she replies before Taylor could speak. "Left of the plate you put the small fork on the outside and the big on the inside. Right of the plate you put the knife, then the big spoon, then the small spoon. You got it, honey? Going from left to right; salad fork, dinner fork, plate, dinner knife, dinner spoon, soup spoon" she explains and I watch Taylor look at her lost

"Ok, ok. Salad, dinner, plate, dinner, dinner, soup" she repeats to herself. "And which one do I use to kill myself?"

"Taylor" both me and her mother says at the same time

"I'm clearly joking, Jeez"

"I will come help you" I follow her to the dinning table. It is close to the kitchen and living room but the noise from there won't let them hear what we say.

"I won't hurt myself, it was a joke" she insists

"I know. I could use the break from the living room" I admit

"Understandable. I am amazed you lasted so long"

"Patience is part of my job"

"You're right" she chuckles. "I have to be honest, you pleasantly surprised me today. You are so tight and serious at work, unlike now. You are doing well, they like you. Maybe I will bring you around next year too"

"They didn't like me that much".

"Aaron!" her father calls from the living room

"Yeah, sure" she whispers to me

"Yes, sir" I answer to him

"How much you make a year?" he asks

"Dad! You don't have to answer that, Aaron" Taylor intervenes

"Austin was asking--" of course he was.

"I wasn't--" Austin tries to save it

"About one-fifty" I answer

"Hundreds?" Austin chuckles under his breath

"Thousands" I correct him

He rolls his eyes and turns his face away from me. "Of course, there is a lot of overtime involved. Taylor makes about the same if not more" I add salt to his wound.

"Whatever" he scoffs. "Money doesn't buy happiness"

"Neither does poverty" Taylor replies. "So if I ever have to be sad, I prefer to be rich and sad".

I turn to her and smile proudly. We go back to continue setting up the table and she comes closer to me. "That felt good" she admits


Some time later, when the dinner was ready, her baby niece woke up. She offered to put her down as the rest of the family took their places at the dinner table.

I take a step back and pull Austin to the hallway with me. "What do you want, man?" he asks clearly irritated

"I just want us to have a little chat before Taylor comes back"

"Let me guess, you changed your mind and want to leave. That is totally understandable by me. She is difficult and who knows what she'll do with so many wine glasses on the table".

"Did you come up with all that alone?" I wonder


"I am not leaving her. And this behavior is exactly what I wanted to talk about. She has told me how you always degrade her in order to feel a little better about yourself"

"She is lying"

"No, she is not. I have already seen you do it and I've been here for only a couple of hours. Unfortunately for you I will continue to be here for the rest of the week. So, the next time you disrespect Taylor I will make sure you spend the rest of your holidays in jail with charges of assault against a federal Agent. While in jail, the police will look into you, including your business. I am sure they will not be pleased to find that to you are spending more than you are making. Then they will contact the proper authorities. And you can imagine what's next. So, from now on think before you speak. Was I understood?" I explain

"You can't do that" he chuckles

"Try me".

He scoffs and leaves. His question about my salary earlier made me curious why he would care, so I asked Garcia a small favor and she came through in a matter of minutes. I take my phone out and I send her an appreciation message for all the information she provided me.

That moment Taylor comes down the stairs "Everything alright?" she asks

"Yes, let's go. Is it ok..."

"Yeah" she answers immediately. I wrap my arm around her and we walk together to the dinner table with the others.

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