Chapter 12 - Taylor

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~ December 25th ~

"Family names, go" I order

"Your mom's name is Michelle, your dad's name is William. They have been divorced for many years but they are on good terms and have one dinner every year together for you and your siblings. Austin is your brother and Ruth is your sister. Callie is your brother's wife and together they have two kids, Alex age 7 and Rebecca only 6 months old. Your sister's husband is Jake, and they have a 2-year-old, Jackson" Hotch answers correctly

"Uncles and aunts"

"Your mom's brother is Philip -he is the retired FBI Agent-, his wife's is Rosa, and your mother's sister is Melissa or Mellie for short and her wife's name is Stella. Your father's brother is Henry, his wife's is Gwen".

"How long have we been together?" he asks me this time

"A year. We got together on October last year"

"Where did we meet?"

"At JJ's wedding. But we only started dating after you asked me out one day after work"

"Are we planning on getting married?"

"We are taking it slow. We have just started talking about moving in together"


"Unsure" I admit. "Back to me, because my mother will test you. Birthday?"

"October 9th"

"Favorite color?"


"Favorite movie?"

"It depends on your mood"

"Favorite food?"


"Favorite snack"

"KitKats, the white chocolate ones"

"Very well, sir. Let's hope she doesn't ask anything that I haven't thought of already"

"If it happens, I will make something up and let you know immediately. It will be fine" he tells me for the 100th time.

We are about to land in Chicago and I am so anxious. All my family is getting together this year. Even my dad is reuniting with my mom because I decided to go home for the first time in a while. So this could either go great or end up in flames.

We get off the plane and we go to collect our things. Since our flight wasn't delayed we have time to get to our hotel before we go to my parents. Unfortunately, I remember that we have one room. It was the room I had booked just for myself prior to all this, because I can't stand to stay at my childhood room when all the other guests and kids are walking around the house. However, due to the holiday season, there weren't any other rooms left, so we will have to work with what we have.

None of us addresses the bed situation as we enter the room. I open my suitcase and I hang up the sensitive clothes I have inside of it. Hotch does the same for his suits. The silence is killing me. I pick up some clothes and I go to change in the bathroom as he stays to change in the room.

I take my clothes off and I grab the burgundy jumpsuit I picked earlier. I step in and I pull it up my body. It is elastic so it goes on quickly. I straighten the off the shoulder neckline and I tie a bow on the left side of my waist. The pantlegs run a little bigger than I expected, but I can fix that with a few pins.

I can hear Hotch's movements from the room and it just makes my awkwardness worse.

"I am wearing burgundy. Make sure you don't outshine me" I say from the bathroom to break the ice

"I will have it in mind" he laughs and I smile.

He continues to talk to me as I refresh my make up and hair for a moment. A bit of glitter on my eyelids and waves in my hair will do the trick. He tells me that he is all dressed so I can step out.

"What do you think?" I ask

His eyes remain on me for a second longer and I actually enjoy it. "You look great" he smiles

"You do as well" I reply since I can't look away. He is in total black. Pants, button down and jacket. No tie. And his silver watch shines on his wrist.

Pretend couple is going to be hard, but not for the reason I originally thought.

"Are you ready to go?" he asks

"Give me a moment and I will be" I move on and I go to my suitcase.

I find the small emergency sewing kit I have and I adjust up my pantlegs. I can feel Hotch's eyes on me and, honestly, I let him have it. When I am done, I put my shoes on, and he helps me with my coat.

We walk because we don't have a car here and my mom's house is pretty close anyway. About halfway there, Hotch offers me his arm, just like we had agreed on. I swallow the lump in my throat and I interwine my arm with his. And again, my whole body wants to lean on him. My anxiety raises with each step that gets us closer to home.

"Are you cold or do you need a minute?" he asks me worried as he feels my hand trembling

"No, no, I'll be fine" I answer.

I take a couple of silent breaths. My mind is racing and my heart is beating quicker than ever.

"Talk to me" Hotch says

"About what?" I ask

"Anything that will take your mind out of wherever it is wandering right now"

"I... I have nothing to talk about actually" I admit

"You? Not a chance. You talk all the time. If JJ were here, you wouldn't have stopped"

"Oh yes, you did say that we are like two teenage besties" I remind him

"I didn't use these exact words, but yes you are. And sometimes you forget that there are people around. I mean, even on your first day you two were talking about you making out in the elevator"

"Oh my God, you remember that..." I laugh embarrassed. "That was a big mistake"

"The talking loudly or the making out part?"

"Both. Now every time I see him in the hallway, he smiles at me like 'Hey, I know what your mouth tastes like' and it is disgusting. He was pretty, I was faltered, and now he is just creepy. But you don't have to worry Hotch, I only have eyes for you now" I play

"You better" he chuckles. "And what did we say about my name?"

"Right, sorry. I just have gotten so used to calling you Hotch. It feels weird to use your first name. It's like Schmidt. Not even Cece calls him by his first name"

"What?" he asks having no clue what I am talking about

"It's a TV show"

"Another sitcom?"

"Yes! I will have you watch it the next time we are going over case files together, Aaron"

"Ok" he laughs. "Just to be clear, I have no problem with the way you call me. I will answer either way. This is just for your family"

"I know" I sigh.

And there we are. Only a street away from the house. Let the games begin...

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