Chapter 39 - Taylor

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I am in love with Aaron Hotchner, and I am finally free to say it. It feels so good and exciting. We are together, I'm all in and I am so happy. We stopped hiding. We are still professional when we are working, but we don't really mind who finds out afterwards. It is our thing, and I couldn't care less for anyone else's opinion.

When we are not busy, I like to tease him, and get a glimpse of home-Aaron out of work-Hotch. It is hard to break him, but it is absolutely worth it. It is adorable and I feel very accomplished each time. Some times it doesn't work though, so I try bargaining.

Like I am trying to do at this exact moment. We are supposed to be getting ready to go to Rossi's for dinner with the rest of the team, including JJ and Will, but Aaron is still in the office. He has loads of papers to look through now that the section Chief is on leave for the week. Everyone else has already left, even I am done. I offered to take half of the pile from his desk but he refused to let me.

"If you ask one more time, I will call security to escort you out" he says in that mixed tone. I can't understand if he is serious or joking. He is probably bluffing.

"No, you won't" I say

"Try me" he dares without even looking up from the papers.

I walk around the desk to get to him. I stand behind his chair and wrap my arms around him. I rub his chest and rest my chin on his shoulder.

"You won't call because you like my company" I say and kiss his neck innocently.

"Your company exhausts me right now" he chuckles

"No, you love it. And I love you" I turn his head to me and kiss him. "I am gonna go home and get ready. If you are not there to pick me up on time, you'll not see me naked for a week" I threaten

"Oh, love..." he turns his chair to me. "I can make you moan my name without even undressing you".

"Maybe, but you won't get to touch either" I say as I step back

"You're bluffing now. That deal dooms you too"

"Maybe we can use a break" I speak the forbidden word on purpose.

"I am going to fuck that word out of your pretty little mouth tonight" he says and bites his lip

"Is that a promise or a threat?" I wonder

"Take it as you will".

I smile and start to walk away. "Be on time!" I demand as I close the door of his office on my way out.

I know very well that he will not leave me hanging. So, when I get home I take my sweet time showering, picking an outfit and getting ready; Black pants, black blouse and a big belt. Works for me. I finish up with some jewelry, and a red lipstick.

I grab my bag, jacket and I leave the house, having given Aaron 20 extra minutes to get here. I try to contain my smile as I find him parked right in front of my building's door. My eyes scan his figure as I walk to him. Black jeans, dark blue shirt, sleeves rolled up and his shiny watch on his wrist. Fuck me...

"You are 20 minutes late" he says

"I was giving you extra time" I reply

"I didn't need it" he states and kisses me softly. "And since you were the one running late, I should come up with a form of punishment for you" he smiles

"You're childish"

"No, I am fair, dear. But let's leave that for later" he opens the car door for me.

I get in and I grab my phone. I type in a message to JJ in my last attempt to win this stupid game I started, but Aaron takes it from my hands before I can send it.

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