Chapter 13 - Taylor

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I lead us to the house and we reach the front door. I keep my hand to my side, afraid to ring the bell.

"You don't blink when a gun is pointed at you, how are you so scared of your family?" Aaron asks

"I am not scared" I answer.

He looks down at me not convinced. I meet his eyes and I turn my body towards his. "If we are going to do this--"

"If? We are at the front door" he chuckles

"You have to stop profiling me. I am already anxious enough, I don't want to have to think about covering my expressions so you won't see something you won't like or something you will bring up later"

"You know that it is not a thing I can turn on and off. But I am only doing it to help you. I am not planning on using anything against you later. I am not here for work. I am doing this for you. I picked up that call for you. I decided to come for you. I am here for you, Taylor" he tells me as his eyes never leave mine.

I am here for you.

Wow... These words are coming from a guy I have known for roughly two months and with whom I was fighting a week ago. When he talks to me this way, he makes my knees week. I want to grab his face and kiss him so badly.

The door in front of us opens and my mom exclaims with excitement. "I knew I heard voices from outside. Taylor is here!" she announces and wraps her arms around me

"Hi mom!" I laugh as I hug her tightly

"I missed you, honey"

"Me too" I rub her back.

I pull away first "Mom, this is Aaron" I introduce them

"It is nice to finally meet you" she says as they shake hands

"The pleasure is all mine Mrs. Wilson"

"Oh, please, just call me Michelle. Come on in" she opens the door further.

We walk inside and everything is just like I remember. It has been 3 years since I was last here but nothing has changed. A wave of haunting melancholia comes over me.

"Tay!" my sister calls as she comes in the room. I hug her as well and introduce her to our new guest.

"Where is dad?" I wonder

"On his way, his flight was delayed" she informs me

"Like he was in time for anything in his life..." my mom comments


"Look who's here..." my brother comes down the stairs to join us. "How come you didn't have any work emergency like last year?" he jokes but his particular annoying tone

"It is still early so don't jinx it" I answer in the same happy tone so I won't cause a scene already. "Where is my nephew and niece?" I wonder

"Callie took them to the park. You must be the guy..." he turns to Aaron

"Aaron Hotchner" Aaron appears more hostile than he did with my mother and sister

"Austin Wilson" they shake hands. "Blink twice if she is holding you hostage" he whispers to him

"Excuse me?" Aaron turns full serious now.

"Hotchner! Look at that..." my uncle Phillip comes inside from the yard

"Agent Campbell" Aaron replies.

"Please don't tell me you know my uncle" I whisper before he reaches us

"I do know your uncle, Taylor".

He even walks passed me to greed Aaron first. Me and my mom keep looking back and forth between them.

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