Chapter 29 - Aaron

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"10... 9..." I hear from the yard.

The countdown has already started as I rush to the kitchen to refill mine and Taylor's glasses

"8... 7... 6..."

I open a new bottle of ginger ale and pour it in both champagne glasses as fast as I can.

"5... 4..."

I return to the yard and put one glass in Taylor's hand. "Right on time" she says

"3... 2..."

"1..." I say, pulling her body into mine and I kiss her as the fireworks go off.

~ January 1st ~

People around us start wishing each other happy new year, but I don't let go of Taylor yet. This is officially the last day we have together before our work-break and I am determined to make the best out of it.

Eventually, we are forced to pull away from each other. Everyone shares wishes and hugs. After a couple handshakes, I excuse myself and I go inside alone. Once again I watch Taylor from afar, talking and laughing at something her sister tells her.

How am I supposed to let go of her? How are we supposed to go back to normal when my every move is controlled by the expression on her face? Last week, they officially informed her that they are considering her for the promotion; Director of Communications of the FBI. She wasn't planning on staying a profiler, she was aiming up from the beginning. So, the last thing I want is to sabotage her.

"Tell me" she says as she meets me inside

"It's nothing" I reply and I kiss her.

"No, it is definitely something" I cut her off with another kiss. "Ok, maybe I guess it can wait..." she surrenders easily.

She wraps her arms around me as I kiss her. "I noticed you didn't have any real drinks tonight. Why?" she asks

"So I can do this" I continue to kiss her.

"Mhm..." she pulls away "It's New Year's. You can drink" she insists

"I prefer this".

She smiles and then bites her lip. Her eyes light up like they do when she has an idea. I watch her walk around the counter and grab a half-empty champagne bottle.

"I really wish you wore a tie right now so I could drag you by it. But I guess you will have to follow me yourself" she says and heads up the stairs.

I shake my head at how weak she makes me and I follow her. We go in her room and I close the door after us. I take her hand but she stops me.

"Remember when you said you'll fuck me in nothing but these gold mirror heels?" she teases as she walks backwards until her ass hits the desk

"That is all I have been thinking about all night" I admit

"Good" she reaches back and I hear the zipper of her dress. It drops to the floor and she kicks it away, leaving her in nothing but her panties and that little smartass smirk.

Jesus fucking Christ...

I close my eyes. "Please, Taylor..." I almost moan, feeling the rush of blood in my dick.

"You don't have to beg, Aaron. This is all yours" she knows exactly what to say to turn me on like never before.

It takes me two steps and less than a second for my hands and lips to be on her. She lets me kiss her for a moment but them pulls her face away from mine. She is definitely feeling herself and is in mood for games tonight.

I lean in again, pressing my open mouth to the smooth path of skin between her breasts, breathing heavily as my lips trace her tattoo. My hands cup her breasts and my fingers tease her hard nipples with a few gentle strokes before giving them a big squeeze.

"Aaron..." she moans, dropping her head back

"Yes, darling?" I whisper against her skin

"Drink up, baby...".

I pull back for a moment and I watch her take the champagne bottle in her hand again. She brings it to her breasts and tips it, letting the champagne trickle out over one nipple, and then the next.

Without hesitation, I trace my mouth to her left nipple. I rub my tongue against the stiff bud and press my teeth against it. I suck all the sweet and burning taste of alcohol from her skin. My mouth races down to her belly, and lick the little folds of skin where some of the dripping champagne ended up.

I come up again, licking every inch of hers making sure I didn't miss anything. I suck her nipples harder now, devouring her. While I am on her right nipple, she pours more champagne on her left. So I clean that up and go low again.

"Stay on your knees" she orders and who am I to argue...

I drop to my knees entirely and drag her panties off her as I do. I snatch the champagne from her hand and I bring it to my lips. I finish it in two long sips and put it away. I grab Taylor's legs, I throw them over my shoulders and I start kissing my way up her thighs.

I kiss the skin over her clit, teasing her even more. And then I bury my tongue in her. I suck and lick all of her. Her cunt, her clit, everything is mine to take. Her sounds tell me what she likes and how she likes it. I give her what she wants, and then take it away to frustrate her. She pulses against my tongue and I hum satisfied against her skin.

"That mouth, Aaron... Show me how much you love this pussy" she moans.

Her legs close by the sides of my head as her orgasm builds higher and higher between her legs. Her hand finds my hair and she pushes me even closer to her. I don't need oxygen anyway.

She comes apart on my tongue. Her thighs tremor uncontrollably and I hold her down. I make sure to suck all my reward up before raising to my feet again. Sure that the champagne flavor has left my mouth by now, I kiss her lips. I let her taste herself from my tongue as I undo my own pants and wear condom on.

Without any more delays, I fuck her hard. On her desk, in her childhood bedroom, with her family only a floor below. I thrust in her so aggressively, that the desk hits the wall every time. Luckily for us, the fireworks that are still going off outside cover our noise.

I hold Taylor's legs open as I bury myself into her. Her hand sneaks between us and starts rubbing her clit. Her moans grow even louder, until she is coming apart on me for the second time tonight.

She drops her head on my shoulder and I rest my head against her. I kiss her shoulder a couple of times between breaths and I rub her back. Like always, I let her decide when she is ready to pull away. As she lifts her head, I cup her cheeks and kiss her lips softly.

"Happy new year, Taylor" I say

She chuckles. "Happy new year, Aaron".

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