Chapter 4 - Aaron

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I didn't realize how much of an asshole I was being to Taylor when she started here. She was shadowing JJ so I didn't really think she would participate too much, which is also my fault. I should have had a conversation with her beforehand but I am glad she told me.

The whole truth is that I did avoid her unintentionally because every time I look at her it reminds me that I have not figured out yet where I know her from. I never forget anything, so not being able to solve this mystery is driving me extremely insane.

And the worst thing is that I want to look at her all the time, and every time I do I want to smile. It has been a month since she started working with us officially, and it has been the most unique month of my life. Her smiles causes a flutter in my chest but also calms me down. She is a ray of sunshine. A beautiful redhead and green-eyed ray of sunshine that smiles all the time and works too much.

Today, I had to call in the team quite early and she picked up the phone cheerful. Even though she had just woken up, she put on her phone-voice and she was probably smiling.

I told them that we will do the briefing while traveling because it is a time sensitive case. So, I am sitting in the jet, waiting for everyone else while going through the case and the only thing I can think of is Taylor.

"Good morning, sir" she steps in the jet with a huge smile across her lips

"Good morning, Taylor. I am sorry for the early call" I close the file in my hands to speak with her

"It's alright. I am used to it" she sits across from me and I hand her one of the other files.

"Missing boy, age 6, no signs of forced entry. Done, got it" she reads out the important information for herself

"Actually there are a couple more markers we are looking at here. For example, there is a summary of the victim's personality at the bottom" I remind her as a short of a trick question

"I noticed that, but I also notice that it is a description given by the parents which means that there is a big possibility that it is inaccurate. Parents always make their kids look perfect even in situations like this. So, usually, I like to make my own draft by talking to them or the friends, and by looking at environmental evidence, like preferences, hobbies, grades, etc" she explains

"Very well, Taylor"

"Was that another test?"


"I have been working here for a month, when will it be over?" she smiles again

"At some point..."

"Ok, keep them coming" she replies confidently.

I smile slightly and I look down at my file again. She does as well. With her head still tilted down, she looks up at me and smiles. Then her eyes return to her lap. I shouldn't be so turned on by her.

My phone rings and I see a message from Garcia. I specified that the case should be kept contained but there is already an article about the case. I sigh and I forward it to Taylor.

"Seriously?" she asks as she reads it

"Third paragraph" I tell her

"The Grabber? He took one kid and he already has a nickname. That must be a record"

"Can you handle this?" I ask

"Of course. But I need a favor...".


I sent the rest of the team to different locations and headed to the local PD with Taylor.

"I am SSA Hotchner. This is SSA Wilson..." I introduce us to the detective

"I want to talk to every single person that works on this case about confidentiality in a conference room in 15 minutes" Taylor demands before she even let go of the man's handshake

"I can't--"

"It wasn't a request. 10 minutes!" she says and helps herself to the coffee station.

This is tough work-Taylor, a totally different person than the Taylor I was talking to a few minutes ago. She is full of surprises and it is intriguing. But I still can't figure out who she reminds me of.

I grab some coffee myself and I join her in the conference room. She is typing something in her laptop and I take a seat across from her.

"Why don't we want the news to get to the press?" I give her an easy questions

"Because we don't know with what kind of unsub we are dealing with yet. They could get scared and run away or kill the victim" she answers 

"Passed. Now, why did you want me here again?" I wonder

"Because this station is full of men, and as much as I hate it, I need an extra authority figure by my side for them to listen. So just stand there and look pretty for me" she says without taking her eyes off her laptop.

She freezes and the old Taylor is back "Oh my God, that was totally inappropriate, I am so sorry. It just came out-- You were right, I talk too much, but that's sort of my job" she buries her face in her hands

"Let it go. Move on. And focus on the job"

"Right. Ok".

People start coming in the room, so Taylor puts her tough face back on and avoids to look at me.


She continued to avoid me throughout the rest of the case. In a way, she gave me a taste of my own medicine and I hated it. I liked it better when she smiled all the time.

Thankfully, we were able to cooperate enough for the case and we got everything wrapped by nighttime. We are currently flying home and she is sitting in a corner by herself reading her book of the week.

After much consideration, I leave my seat and I go to her. She is dragging me to herself like a magnet and I can't break that connection. What's happening to me?

"Hey, am I bothering?" I ask

"No" she gives me a fake smile

"Look, what you said earlier, it was an accident and it is not that serious" I reassure her

"It just slipped out"

"Ok" I chuckle. "Despite that, you did a great job today as always, both on the test questions and the case"

"Thank you, sir" she smiles genuinely now.

I smile back.

Say it. Ask her. Just say it. Maybe you'll learn more things about her and finally figure out where you know her from. Just ask her.

"Would you like to go for a drink when we land?" I ask.

She looks at me surprised.

"We don't have to--"

"Yes" she interrupts me

"Great" I smile

"Great" she smiles.


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