Chapter 15 - Taylor

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The dinner went surprisingly well. Every time my brother spoke, Aaron looked at him with that same tight expression he has on when he is interrogating a suspect. It was really hot actually. And it worked because Austin didn't dare to interrupt me or say anything upsetting.

My uncle dropped us at the hotel on his way back since he and Aaron seem to become best friends again. Rossi would feel jealous and threaten by their bromance for sure.

"This was probably the best family visit I have ever been to in a long time" I admit as we enter the hotel and it is finally just the two of us. "I am booking you for Easter and next Christmas" I add

"I will write it down in my calendar" he chuckles.

I turn towards him as we stand in the elevator "Seriously, thank you" I say

"You're very welcome" he smiles softly.

I want him. Maybe it is the holiday air, maybe it is his actions. Either way, I am sure I want him.

Aaron wasn't lying when he told my uncle that there is really no problem with relationships in the bureau, unless it interferes with our performance. If they notice a dive and discover personal relationship or problems, both parties can be fired. It is a rule they disclose from the beginning.

The elevator dings and I clear my throat as I walk first. "I guess you can leave now if you want, I will say you were called in at work" I suggest in my attempt to prevent my temptations

"And let your brother think I left you? Absolutely not" Aaron replies as he swipes the key card and opens the door for me.

"If you insist..."

"Unless you don't want me here anymore"

"No, I have no problem. You really made everything a hundred times more bearable today. What did you threaten them with?" I joke

"I may or may not have put Garcia run a quick search in your brother's finances, and pointed some things she found to him" he admits

"Why didn't I think of that earlier?" I wonder as I take my coat and shoes off. "If all else fails, blackmail will always do the trick"

"Please, don't tell anyone you learned that from me"

"I won't. Who knew there was this side of you, Agent Hotchner?" I smirk

He chuckles. I keep my eyes on him as he takes his jacket off and hangs it in the closet. I want rip that button down off him right now. Once... Just once...

He tries to walk passed me but with one step I get in his way. He is so close to me I can feel his breath. Our chests almost touch as we breathe at the same time. His eyes keep bouncing between my eyes and my lips. Mine do the same.

"Taylor, we shouldn't... Not now. Your time in the BAU ends in 2 months. You are looking at a big promotion and you can't handle to compromise your performance or credibility. We will be risking far less if we wait--" he speaks

"Shut up and kiss me, Aaron" I cut him off.

Not even a second after the sentence leaves my mouth, he grabs me and crushes his lips on mine. Heat races through my veins like fire. I can feel pounding in every part of me -my chest, my head, my mouth, between my legs.

Aaron keeps his hand on the back of my head and neck, holding me while he devours my mouth. He's kissing me hard and rough, like a hungry man. I love every part of it.

I rest my palms on his chest and fist his shirt to pull him closer to my body. His hands leave my head and travel down my body. He touches my sides on the way down and caresses my breasts on the way up. I moan against his lips as his fingers brush over my hard nipples.

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