Chapter 18 - Aaron

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Taylor and I have 6 more days together. There shouldn't be a countdown but it will better in the long run. I don't trust myself to stay unbiased if something happens, and I will not be able to forgive myself if that comes to interfere with the future of her career.

So, I am planning to make the best out of these following 6 days. Today, we spent the entire day just the two of us. We woke up together, we went for breakfast, she showed me around her hometown -despite the fact that getting recognized by someone almost every place we went drove her a little mad each time-, and before I even realized how quickly the time passed the sun went down. I could definitely feel the cold winter air on my face now.

"Maybe it is time to go back to our hotel?" I suggest

"No, there is one more place I want us to get to"

"You are shaking, Taylor" I point out

"I am fine" she says.

I stop and stare at her. If looks could kill, I would have burned her alive right now.

"Ok. Maybe we could go for dinner? There is a pl--"

I interrupt her with a kiss. I feel her weak resistance in the first second, but she gives in quickly. She wraps her arms around the back of my neck as I slide my tongue in her mouth.

I pull an inch away from her lips. "I was thinking we could go back to our room for another kind of dinner..." I admit

"And what would that involve?" she asks as she looks at me with those lust eyes and smile

"Oh, I am not spoiling anything. Come and find out" I take a step back

"Really? This is your best tactic to lure me back to the hotel?"

"Is it working?" I smirk as I take one more step.

She sighs and comes to me. I take her hand in mine and she follows me back without further protest.

And as soon as the door of our room shuts, I pin her against it and kiss her. I cup her face and trace my tongue over her lips until she opens for me. She tastes incredible, like vanilla. I'm not a sweets guy but vanilla is becoming my new favorite flavor.

Her arms wrap around my neck and she deepens the kiss even further. My hands run up and down her figure desperate to touch her. She rubs her body against mine, causing my blood to rush even faster to my cock.

I wrap one arm around her waist and I guide her towards the bed. I help her out of her top before I let her lie down. I take my shirt off too and I crawl on top of her. She holds my face as I devour her mouth and grinds her hips against mine. Her moan gets lost between our lips.

My fingers sneak down her body and between her legs. I cup her over her pants and I rub her softly, earning more moans from her lips. Taylor reaches down and starts undoing her jeans. But I grab her hand and I hold them over her head.

I pull away for a second. "What do you say we spice things up just a little?" I suggest

"I haven't tried much. I was mostly one and done, let's get this over with..." she admits almost embarrassed

"That's alright. We can start easy. As long as you are comfortable, of course"

"Ok" she answers a bit hesitant.

I walk to the other side of the room and return to her with a pair of handcuffs. "Is this alright?" I ask again

"Yes" she answers nodding her head.

But I can tell that she is tense now. I let the cuffs down for a moment and I connect our lips.

"You can stop me at any time" I reassure her.

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