It's a Promise

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Summary: Twenty-year-old Boruto assures Sarada.

The sun was setting, casting an orange and pink glow to the blossoming sakura trees. A light breeze was blowing. It was finally the peak of spring. Sarada had just walked out of the Hokage tower, after her apprentice duties.

She was blocked by a familiar mop of blond hair and blue eyes. He wore a huge grin on his face. She knew that look. He was going to tell her something—something he knew she wouldn't like.

"You? In ANBU?" She asked incredulously.

"Yeah, isn't it cool?" Boruto grinned.

"You're too loud for them. Too flashy, and unpredictable!" She bit back.

He wasn't going to admit that her words had pierced him like three perfectly thrown shurikens. "Whatever," He shrugged. "I work best alone."

"No," she denied. "You work better with us," she declared. With me. Went unsaid.

"Mitsuki was excited for me." A sly grin spread on his face, he knew what to say to irk her further. "You're so clingy."

It worked according to his plan. She crossed her arms in front of her chest and looked away as she harrumphed. Figures Mitsuki would be okay with this.

He couldn't help but laugh. He found it adorable when she was being like this. Tsundere.

"It's not funny," she said quietly. "Do you even know what being in ANBU really implies?"

His eyes and smile softened. Boruto approached her and wrapped his arms around her middle, pulling her into a warm embrace from behind. She didn't move.

"It means I will be directly reporting to the Hokage, and the Hokage will have direct authority over me." He said it carefully, wanting to properly, and clearly, relay his intentions to her. "My main purpose will be to serve and protect the Hokage until the day I die."

A shudder ran through her spine, heat rushing to her cheeks. It sounded to chivalrous and downright noble. "How lucky your dad must be," her tone dripped with sarcasm. "You'll finally listen to the Nanadaime."

"Who said I'll be serving that old geezer?" He smirked. Boruto leaned down and nuzzled his nose in her silky, raven locks. "I won't be placed on the roster until the hachidaime is inaugurated."

A small gasp escaped her lips, realizing the true meaning of his words. She turned around to face him, but his arms were still wrapped around her middle. "Then you're staying in Team 7 until then?" She asked, her voice clear and firm. Her eyes were threatening him, daring him to say the wrong thing.

"Yes," he smiled. "I'll be staying in Team 7. And when you become the hachidaime, I will join ANBU."

She stared into his eyes. Sarada had always found them alluring. She searched in the endless blue for any lies or loopholes he might have hidden from her.

A grin spread on Boruto's whiskered face. He knew what she was doing. "I'm keeping my promise. I will become your right hand man, and protect you."

She seemed unfazed. She had heard this promise before, when they were genin. A slight blush came to her cheeks as she remembered the treacherous way she had blushed the first time he said it.

Sarada was looking for another kind of assurance. Thank Kami he wasn't as much of a blockhead as his father was. He kissed her forehead. "I will stay with you, Sarada."

The heat in her face intensified. A warm feeling bloomed from her core. A grin slowly crept up to her face, as she wrapped her arms around his middle and hugged him tightly.

"Boruto," happy tears streaked down her soft cheeks. "Thank you."

Boruto released a slight choking sound. "Sarada... too tight!"



(@kairi-chan on tumblr )

Disclaimer : Naruto and Boruto : Naruto Next Generations belong to Masashi Kishimoto, Ukyo Kodachi and Mikio Ikemoto.

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