The Line

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Mitsuki always knew he couldn't be like what Sarada is to Boruto, and like what Boruto is to Sarada, they had a special bond, a bond that started when they were less than a year old and that continued to grow despite the multiple fights they had over the years.

They are quite a pair, one second they're getting along, then they bicker, and Mitsuki finds that most of their fights are hilarious, ,thanks to Sarada's snarky attitude and Boruto's own mischievousness.

But they rarely actually fight, if they do they don't cross the line, each of them has weak spots, things if the other said would cause a rift in their bond, and Sarada and Boruto knew each other's weak spots very well.

They never used those weak spots against each other, those things were shared between them in trust.

He's seen them fight but not like this, they're practically throwing venom at each other.

''Would you stop acting like that on missions !?''

''You mean saving your life!''

''No I mean letting missing-nin touch you like you're some slut!''

''If I didn't seduce him like that then we would have been dead right now!''

''Dead is better than acting like a prostitute, what? a touch for our lives?!''

Boruto was absolutely livid, partly because Sarada distracted an ninja that as about to kill them by questionable methods, and partly because someone touched her in front of him , both of them were taught that kunoichi would sometimes be forced to do things like that, there were even missions that required skills like seducing men, that's why Mitsuki wasn't angry at what Sarada did, it was wrong, but that is the shinobi life.

It seems Sarada noticed that this was going too far, as she tried to stop this fight.

''Just... I'm going home, we'll talk later.'' She said as she turned away from him and took a few steps forward, intent on stopping this fight, but what Boruto said next made her blood boil.

''Yeah, go home where you dad is, maybe you're daddy complex would lessen and you can stop seducing random men!''

Suddenly a slap echoed in the field as Sarada stood beside a dumbfounded Boruto.

That was when Mitsuki decided to intervene, he honestly didn't think that they'd go this far.

He went and grabbed Sarada's shoulders as a precaution, he knew she wouldn't hurt him more cause if she really wanted to hurt him she would've punched him into a mountain.

He was right she didn't hurt him, physically at least.

''I'll do that while you go figure out another way other than cheating so your dad would acknowledge your mom and your presence in his life, but he never will because he doesn't care about what you do !''

''Okay that's it.'' Mitsuki said as he dragged Sarada away, she was still glaring at Boruto, who was still stunned from the slap, but Mitsuki had no doubt that what Sarada said had cut deep.

When Boruto was out of sight Sarada shook him off and headed to the training fields, probably to let some steam out before the realization of what she just told her childhood friend sinks in.

Mitsuki sighed as he headed to where he left Boruto at, who was probably still stunned.




It's a week later and they are still not speaking, not even looking at each other, on missions they have excellent teamwork, they still rely on each other on the field, but that's it.

He talked with Boruto, who had it ingrained in his mind that what Sarada did was wrong, But Mitsuki managed to convince him that Sarada absolutely had to do it, and to remind him who he called a slut and that what he said probably hurt Sarada a lot more than he thought.

Then he talked to Sarada who was absolutely convinced that what she did was not wrong, but he managed to make her understand Boruto's point of view, but she still wasn't forgiving him about what he said, although he tried explaining to her that he didn't mean it.

''He knew it would hurt me and he said it, so don't say he didn't mean it.'' She told him after an hour of talking.

''But what you said hurt him too.''

''He fired first, his shot was more aimed,'' she said angerly before getting up and going to get more dango.

It was true in a way, he hit one of Sarada's biggest insecurities, insecurities she still didn't get over, while what she said to Boruto was way out of the line, he got over his problems with his father a long time ago.




A week later, they spoke for the first time.

It was when Sarada was going after one of the thugs that they were to eliminate.

''Do you want me to come with you?'' Boruto asked out of concern, his female teammate was obviously tired from the long mission.

''Why? You think my daddy complex would resurface?''

''Look Sarada....''

But Sarada didn't give him a chance to talk as she ran off towards the thug.




Mitsuki thought that they will never be able to reconcile, every time he attempted to talk to the two together they would run away, he honestly thought this wouldn't be solved without someone like Sarada's parents or the hokage's intervention, who were already beginning to suspect that something was off between their kids, but it seems he underestimated their bond.

It was a month after their shouting match when he saw them sitting under a tree, both of them were sitting cross legged on the grass, facing each other, Sarada was playing with the grass while talking to Boruto who looked much more at ease than he was this entire month.

He watched them talk for a couple of minutes before they stopped talking, eyes still on each other, Sarada moved so she could wrap her arms around Boruto, who returned the embrace.

They stayed like that far longer than a normal hug should last before breaking away, Boruto grabbed Sarada's hand and pulled her up with him.

''I think I owe you tea and dango.'' Boruto joked, which put a smile on Sarada's face.

''And I think I owe you an extra jalapeno burger.''

''But Sara-chan I burned my tongue the last time I ate that.'' He whined.

''That's kinda the point.''

''Meanie.'' He said as he pocked her nose, Sarada smiled before looking down, Boruto followed her gaze to their intertwined hands.

Both of them turned red, but they made no move to pull away, instead they continued their march towards wherever they were going as Mistuki stood dumbfounded behind a bush.

Of course they didn't need someone to make them talk to each other, they spent all their lives fighting, they know how to solve their fights, they probably took this long to make sure they aren't angry anymore so the fight won't escalate.

Mistuki smirked as he realized something, of course he can't be what sarada is to boruto and what boruto is to Sarada, other than their history, they have a special bond that is starting to evolve from friendship to something else, something more passionate, more beautiful, something that will not let anything tear them apart.


(@lazymilkshakecolor on tumblr )

Disclaimer : Naruto and Boruto : Naruto Next Generations belong to Masashi Kishimoto, Ukyo Kodachi and Mikio Ikemoto.

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