Two Blue Vortex Oneshots - CHAPTER 1: Looking Glass

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A/N : the following chapters are a collection of oneshots which are linked

Set in the canon.

SUMMARY: Boruto has been travelling with Sasuke for three and a half years now after Kawaki turned his world upside down.
Tired, and beginning to get discouraged, he still struggles with Momoshiki's constant whispering in his ear.


"Boruto! Focus!"

Boruto Uzumaki leaned his head to the side at the exact same time a kunai came whizzing from behind him and past his left ear, missing him by a hair's breadth. His eyes followed it as it travelled through the air and lodged itself into the stone of the cliffside in front of him, the blade cracking straight up the middle at the hard contact.

It had been a long day of training, a long three and a half years, really. As much as Boruto appreciated all that Sasuke Uchiha was doing for him, especially since it had taken the older man months to be able to fully trust him again after Ada's omnipotence, he would be lying if he said he wasn't tired; tired of training, tired of running, tired of waking up to the same damn old mug every morning, just...tired. And it was the kind of tiredness that sept deep into his bones and almost made him want to travel back to Konoha and just turn himself in, almost. But he would never actually do that, there was too much at stake if he did. Like his parents' lives, or his little sister's, or Sarada's. Not to mention the state of Konoha; he and Sasuke had been doing their best to keep a low profile over time, but he would have had to have been living under a rock not to have heard the rumours.

Kawaki had used the omnipotence to his advantage, convincing Code to work alongside him in order to bring Boruto down, as the redhead now thought that he was his childhood enemy. It was said that old man Kakashi had stepped back into the Hokage's seat after Naruto had "died", but Kawaki, Code, and the army of white Zetsu's he wielded were acting as the sentinel, turning Boruto's childhood home into nothing less than an impenetrable fortress, even for somebody as powerful as Sasuke. Residence were no longer allowed to come and go as they pleased, the large AN doors would close and lock every night when the sun went down to make sure of that; they would instead have to get written permission from the Hokage and would only be allowed for good reason, and the ANBU were reinstated to the way in which they used to be. Everything seemed almost archaic in the way it had progressed since reality had been altered, and it frustrated Boruto to no end that his so-called "brother" allowed, and perhaps prompted, things to turn out that way.

He turned his head to see Sasuke stepping out from the shadows of a tree he had been standing under, his dark brows narrowed over his equally dark eyes. Time, and perhaps the stress of the situation had aged Sasuke in ways that nothing else seemed to have; deep crows feet sat in the corner of his eyes, faint wrinkles now lined his forehead, and his once pitch black hair was now littered with grey strands. It was understandable, in a matter of minutes he had lost his wife, his daughter, everyone he ever knew, and was labelled a traitor. After the first few weeks of being alone with him, Boruto had found out that it wasn't even his first time being classified as such, which only made the circumstances that much more discouraging; he had spend half his life trying to make up for the wrongs he had done, only to have all of his hard word and dedication thrown out the window for the sake of somebody he didn't remember. It was enough to make Boruto feel even shitter than he already did.

"That kunai was meant for you," Sasuke said sternly, his eyes trailing towards the blade. "You avoided it only because I called out to you, not because you saw, or sensed it coming. Being distracted will get you killed."

Boruto swallowed hard, the taste of sweat stinging the back of his throat. He hated being berated by others, even though he knew he was right; he had never been one to take his ego being bruised lightly. "Yeah, I know that. You don't need to tell me."

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