Bonding Over Bridgeton PT.2

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CHAPTER 2: Hook, Line, Sinker

Boruto was in a good mood. They had won their away game by a mile, had held a feast to celebrate, and now he was getting comfortable in his seat. Simple joys like a train with comfy seats wouldn't fly by him. Shikadai was fast asleep next to him, which meant Boruto had roughly an hour of time for himself. The train hummed as it sped along the rails. The carriage was silent, as most members of Konoha University's Men's baseball team chose to sleep rather than chat. The silence was welcome, but Boruto wished Sarada were around for him to annoy.

He found her cute. Her reactions to his teasing and flirting weren't like the other university girls'. He couldn't believe that he had never met her before. There's an abundance of pretty girls on campus, however, Boruto was not one to miss on a pretty face. How could he have missed such a beauty like Sarada?

He opened up the cover and looked at her name and number again. Boruto recorded it on his phone, then flipped through the book. His eyes caught some light pencil marks and underlined words and paragraphs. Boruto hadn't read this book, but he had skimmed the first novel. Himawari was obsessed with the show which had led her to read the books. It was only natural for a big brother to want to know what their little sister was reading, right?

The lines that Sarada had underlined amused Boruto. In the beginning, the majority of the lines were thoughts Anthony and Kate had of each other. Towards the middle, the underlined words showed the development of their relationship, which was full of playful and flirtatious banter.

Boruto smirked to himself. "So she likes the teasing, huh?"

Based on Kate's personality, Boruto gathered that Sarada liked a strong female lead. Although flawed and her insecurities showed, her wit shone through. After more skimming, Boruto found that Kate Sheffield was blind to Viscount Anthony Bridgerton's affections. Likewise, Anthony was oblivious to hers. The denial of both parties' affection towards one another was a recurring theme.

"She likes this frustrating shit?" he muttered under his breath, then flipped through more pages. An asterisk at the top of one page piqued his interest. The more Boruto read, the higher his brows raised.

"Now that is some good shit," he mumbled to himself. Boruto found it amusing how many assumptions he could make based on Sarada's highlights. Boruto read a bit more and caught himself chuckling at some of the scenes, but some parts indeed pulled him in. Before he knew it, Shikadai was shaking him and telling him that they had reached their destination.

Time flies when you're having fun. Or in this case, reading Bridgerton.

"What are you even reading?" Shikadai clicked his tongue and slung his duffel bag over his shoulder. "The cover looks weird."

Boruto put a clean tissue to save his page, then closed the book. "It's pretty good." He evaded the question and got his stuff. "Hey, you know anyone named Sarada?"

Shikadai scratched his chin. "Sarada, Sarada. Sounds familiar. Maybe a friend of a friend, not sure. Why?"

"Oh, nothing." Boruto exited the train with Shikadai.

"What? One of your NinLove matches?" He teased. "Don't worry, I didn't fuck anyone with that name... as far as I remember."

Boruto's mood soured in an instant. "Better not, bastard."

His friend raised his brows, a smirk on his lips. "Damn, don't get too attached so fast."

"I'm not," Boruto muttered under his breath. Sarada was interesting and fun to rile up but he barely knew the girl. How could his friend be so silly? Attached . Never.

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