Death By Cuddles

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A/N: Married BoruSara ( Probably around 23)

Sleeping next to Sarada was like playing twister with a boxer and a punching bag. Sarada being the boxer and Boruto being the punching bag. Boruto loved cuddling up with his wife when she was still awake. When she was already asleep, it was a completely different matter.

Sarada was a restless sleeper. She kept on shifting her position every few minutes in swift and sharp movements. Her body would twist in ways Boruto did not even know was humanly possible. Now, this would have been fine, if Boruto's arms weren't around her. He would get pulled, shoved, punched, and kicked. This was on top of the snoring she did, too.

Sarada's hand came up, giving him a swift uppercut. He clenched his jaw and choked back a scream. He glared down at his wife, only to see her peaceful, sleeping face. He grimaced. This was so going to bruise in the morning.

Boruto wanted to get some actual sleep. Carefully, he pulled away from his embrace. The moment his arm lifted away from her side, Sarada slowly opened her eyes.

"Where are you going?" She asked sleepily, as she shifted her body closer to her husband. "Don't let go."

"I... Uh..." He didn't know what to say. "I just want to face the other side," he whispered.

"Nooo," she whined. Sarada wrapped her arms around her husband's middle and pulled him back to their earlier position. "I want you to cuddle me."

Normally, Boruto would be delighted to have her being so clingy, and openly show her affections. He was rarely at home since he was in demand for missions. Normally, he would cling on to her until the last second he had to leave, but not tonight. He had to wake up at five in the morning, and he needed decent sleep. Hell, he was ready to sleep on the couch just to make this happen.

"No, Sarada," he said firmly, as he rolled on to his other side, making his back face her. "I need to sleep."

Sarada blinked in the darkness, and stared at the blurry image of his back. "But... You're leaving for a mission tomorrow," she said quietly.

"Exactly why I need to sleep," Boruto replied gruffly.

There was a few seconds of silence before he felt her scooch closer to him. "You won't be back for at least two weeks."

He bit his lower lip. He knew where this conversation was going. "You're going to leave me again, and you won't even cuddle with me?" Boruto didn't need to see her to know she was pouting.

How could he refuse his wife? "Tch." He turned around and pulled her close to him again. Sarada's warm smile and light giggle made his mood lighten a bit. "It's a good thing you're cute, ya know? It makes it easier to forgive you for punching me."

"What are you talking about?" she asked.

"You're such a restless sleeper, ya know? You've been punching and kicking me for the last three hours," he whined.

Sarada scoffed, and pulled herself closer to her husband. "You must have been dreaming. I don't even move when I sleep."

Boruto pulled back to look at her face. "How do you explain this?" He pointed at his chin, indicating where she had hit him. He watched her blink her long eyelashes at him, only to realize it was too dark, and she wasn't wearing her glasses so she couldn't see anything.

He grumbled and tucked his head into his chin. "Nevermind. Try not to snore too, okay?"

Sarada felt assaulted with his comment and pushed him back. "First you tell me I'm punching you in my sleep, and now you're telling me I snore? What is wrong with you?"

Boruto groaned. He did not want to fight with her right now. He just wanted to sleep. Was that too much to ask? "Yes, you snore, and you punch and kick me. I can never get any sleep!" He complained.

His wife growled at him. "Stop lying!"

"I am not lying!" He was raising his voice now.

She was glowering at him, and he could feel her anger. "Can we please not fight right now? I just want to sleep," he whined.

Sarada harrumphed and turned to face the other side, effectively blocking her husband out.

Great. Now he was the bad guy. "Saradaaa," he whined, as he wrapped his arms around her middle and pulled her back to him. "Please don't be angry with me." He buried his nose in her dark hair. "I just want to sleep."

"Then go sleep on the couch since I apparently hurt you and snore your ear off," she snapped.

Boruto pouted and tightened his hold on her middle, silently begging her to make up. He hated going to sleep when she was angry with him. "Cuddle with me."

Sarada sighed and shifted around to face him. "Fine." She wrapped her arms around him and made herself comfortable.

Boruto grinned and kissed her forehead. "Love you."

She hummed in reply and snuggled a little closer to him.

After a while, Boruto was already drifting to sleep. Sarada was staying still, and her breathing was calm and even. And you guessed it–she wasn't snoring. He felt like he had hit the jackpot. But then, he felt her leg moving slowly in between his legs. Slowly, her knee was moving closer to his crotch and stopped right beneath it.

"Sure." Boruto gulped. One knee jerk, and he was a goner. "Just jam your knee right up my crotch. This is fine," he muttered.

Thanks to the darkness, Boruto couldn't see that his wife had a sly smile on her face. She truly was her father's daughter, as her plot for her revenge was nearly complete.

This is what you get for telling lies, Boruto. She thought.

Sarada jerked her knee, and it sent Boruto screaming in pain and agony into the night.


(@kairi-chan on tumblr )

Disclaimer : Naruto and Boruto : Naruto Next Generations belong to Masashi Kishimoto, Ukyo Kodachi and Mikio Ikemoto.

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