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"I...Bo..." Sarada looked at Boruto, then at the battlefield again and again, trying to make a decision she never thought she would have to make.

She always thought Boruto will be her battle buddy, and until then he was, always there whenever she had a big fight, never making her choose if she should go with him or follow her Uchiha instinct to fight, until now.

"Sarada... you can't go alone, I'll go with you."

"And who will protect the village?" she hated saying it, she wanted more than anything for him to come with her, but with her parents both unknown where Naruto Dead and Kakashi can't protect the village from the inside by himself, she finds that it is necessary for Boruto to stay.

Boruto didn't reply, he just squeezed her hand harder.

Sarada looked back, beyond the gates of Konoha, to find that the explosions made by Kashin Koji's fire release are getting bigger, she looked back at Boruto, who seemed to understand, as he begrudgingly tore his hand from hers, but his eyes were still on her own, pleading her to stay.

"I'm sorry." She said.

"For what?"

"For what might happen." Both Boruto and Sarada weren't naïve, so they both knew that the possibility of her demise wasn't farfetched.

"It won't, promise me." He ordered, almost begging her for reassurance.

Sarada just shook her head, eyes staring at the floor.

" I promised seventh that I will protect this village and the people of this village with everything I own and I never go back on my word Bo..."

"I see...Sarada?"

"Hm?" she said, raising her head so her eyes could meet his.

"I'll treat you to celebratory dango when you get back, and if you don't it'll just mean more dango for me, alright?" he said, shaking her arm back and forth, the arm he didn't realize he grabbed again.

He was treated to her smile for what could be the last time, before she took a step away.

"Make sure they're Hanami dango's then." She said, pulling her hand from his slowly, as if afraid to let go.

But as the last inch of her finger was in his hand, he grabbed on and pulled her towards him.

It happened so fast Sarada hadn't had time to react, she was standing a meter away from him, but now their faces were centimeters apart, his eyes on her lips, it took her a second to realize that he was waiting for her to close the gap, so she did.

As much as she hated to admit it, cho-cho was right, she and Boruto's relationship was like that of an action romance novel, despite that, she moved her lips more fiercely against Boruto's, who put his hands on her waist, pulling her closer to him.

She didn't want it to end, she wanted time to freeze at that moment, but that wasn't possible as another explosion tore through the wind.

Boruto pulled away and leaned close to her ear, " go get them eight, and don't forget our dango date."

If Sarada had any doubt about charging head first into a battlefield against somebody who managed to face both her parents together, that doubt was now gone.

Boruto saw her smile at him, but a second later she turned away and ran outside the village, he kept staring at her back until the Uchiha insignia was no longer visible to him.

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