Bonding over Bridgeton PT.1

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CHAPTER 1: Strangers, For Now

Sarada arranged her belongings on the stowaway tray with utmost care.

"Perfect," she whispered to herself. On the top left corner stood her tumbler filled to the brim with her daily coffee—an essential item for the trip. In the middle laid her book, and on her right, her phone and earphones. "No one will dare to bother me."

Sitting by the window, earphones in, and a book in hand were all signs that screamed that she didn't want to be bothered. A proverbial 'fuck off, please' sign stamped on her forehead. She scrolled through her phone. Her classical music playlist would be perfect, she thought. It would set the atmosphere well for the book she was reading.

A group of loud boys entered her carriage. They all chatted with one another, with boisterous laughter rising. A few threw their duffel bags at each other, the receivers catching the weight with ease before stowing them overhead or below their seats. The rowdy behaviour reminded her of the jocks in her own university.

Sarada willed herself not to pay attention to them, however, their red and white letterman jackets with the gold leaf insignia caught her eye. No wonder they reminded her of her university's baseball team—these boys were her university's baseball team.

"Hey there!" A boy her age with blond hair and blue eyes grinned. "Is this seat taken?"

"You should check your ticket," Sarada replied, then pulled hers out of her book to show him. "Says so right here."

The boy's grin grew a little wider. He didn't look at his ticket, instead, he took the empty seat next to her.

Her eyes drifted to the patch on his jacket. The golden leaf taunted her. Sarada had never watched any of her university's games. They weren't her cup of tea.

He caught her gaze and smirked. "You know the team?"

"I go to Konoha University, too." Her eyes flicked to his face. She wasn't sure why she said that. This train ride was supposed to be spent reading her book!

"No way!" He gasped. "I would know if a pretty girl like you did."

"Are you saying I'm lying?" Sarada scoffed.

The baseball boy laughed. "I'm saying I want to get to know you. I'm Boruto." He held his hand out for her to shake.


"Sarada," he repeated her name. The way it rolled off his tongue had her shivering. "When someone compliments you, it's polite to return it, ya know?"

"Are you expecting me to say how handsome you are?" Her brow quirked up.

"You think I'm handsome?" Boruto faked a gasp. "I'm flattered you'd think so."

"All I think is that you are full of yourself!" Sarada huffed and tore her gaze away. She picked up her book and hoped he would take the hint to leave her alone.

"That's a fun read," Boruto quipped. "Icha Icha is better, though."

"You're a pervert!" Sarada screeched.

"Says the person who's reading Bridgerton in public." Boruto leaned over to her and winked. "Don't worry, I love discussing sexy topics."

Her whole face turned red.

The train doors closed and the conductor approached the travelers, checking their tickets. Her stop was only two stations away, but that would still be a little over half an hour, which was well enough to make or break her trip due to her new seatmate.

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