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Boruto is used to even the smallest touch of their skin together. Even if it's her pinky tracing short paths on his thigh when she's lost in her thoughts, or the way she brushes her hand on the back of his when they are in public to reassure her presence—as if he could take her out of his mind. He is very fond of the cold of her skin, of the way her soft caresses catch him off guard, and the way their hands fit together as if they were made for each other. He thinks so, though. They were born to be together.

She often sleeps with her head on his stomach and her left hand on his shoulder, while her right hand is always looking for his fingers to lace them together. He loves the way her lips tremble from time to time, her lashes trembling softly, and those deep sighs that send shivers through his body. He watches her sleep for a while before he joins her in slumber, for he doesn't like to miss sight of her even if he dreams of her.

She likes him to lay on her lap to play with his hair when she's working, maybe because his hair is soft and she likes to dig her fingers in his blond curls. She can be doing that for hours and never get tired of it, and she says it helps her to concentrate. He wonders, because he can't keep his thoughts on track when she's around; she takes so much of his mind and she doesn't even try. Nevertheless, he enjoys to be there with her since she often hums for him when she notices he's getting sleepy. He doesn't notice that she traces the edges of his lips, or caresses his cheeks to feel the small of beard that threatens to come out when he doesn't feel like shaving. She might not say it out loud, but she loves when he curls up and clings to her like a baby—she doesn't mind the drool on her clothes either—and the way he whispers her name in his sleep. She also takes pictures of him to send to his mother and for her to keep.

He cooks for her most of the time since she's not very skilled in the kitchen, however, she tries to surprise him with dinner when he comes home late, and he makes sure to let her know that he appreciates her trying , even if she makes a mess and they end up ordering something. He knows he's the luckiest man in the world, for he doubts someone else would try so hard for him. He has so many flaws, but she accepts every single one of them and she doesn't make him feel like he has to change for her. Sometimes, he thinks he's dreaming and that she's not real. How can someone as perfect as her could be with him? However, when he snaps out of it, he does his best to be just as perfect for her. He's not aware that she's the happiest just knowing that he's alive, and she doesn't ask for more. She never does.

Sarada cuts his hair when his bangs start to bother his sight. At first, she refused to do it in fear of messing it up, but he begged her for days, so one day, she found it really easy and she started to wait eagerly for when he needed a haircut. They both love those days; they put on some music and take a bath together afterwards. She would never admit it, but she often loses her breath at how handsome he looks. She wonders if he knows that she's not the only head over heels for him.

All those moments are the ones that make them think that they did the right thing marrying each other. Of course, their wedding, their honeymoon and the first moment they stepped into their home as husband and wife won't ever be able to compare; still, those little domestic moments are something else. Those make them think that what they have is real, and that they can be themselves around one another and they won't be judged. They grow together, and they wouldn't have it any other way.

"I love you," Boruto says when he hugs her tightly against his chest, like he does every night. "More than anything."

Sarada smiles and nuzzles her head on his chest. "I know," she whispers. "And I love you more."

He giggles, because he thinks there's no way no one would ever love someone as much as he loves her. Little does he know that she thinks exactly the same. 


( @ abbypdg on tumblr )

( Reposted by @sofya-fanfics on tumblr )

Disclaimer : Naruto and Boruto : Naruto Next Generations belong to Masashi Kishimoto, Ukyo Kodachi and Mikio Ikemoto.

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